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"... closely with the City of San Rafael, Marin Transit, SMART, the Transportation Authority of Marin ... , and others. At their 7 p.m. meeting on Monday, the City Council will hear from the community and discuss ..."

As you likely know, the SMART rail line bisects the existing Bettini Transit Center in Downtown San Rafael owned by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District. As SMART is currently underway with their construction of their extension to Larkspur, modifications will be made to the existing transit center so that bus service can...

"... (City ... , City ... , City Council ... , City ..."

Here's an update of what we've done and what we're doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Small department pages (City Attorney, City Clerk, City Council, City Manager, Human Resources, IT, and Finance) are ready for director review! The residents and visitors landing pages are pretty much ready for review too! Doing Integrate our...

"... The City is pleased to announce the receipt of three proposals in response to our recent Request ... determine which consultant will fit the City's unique needs for this project. Following these interviews ... a recommendation to the City Council in early 2024. We look forward to keeping the community updated ..."

The City is pleased to announce the receipt of three proposals in response to our recent Request for Proposals (RFP) on a residential new parking permit program. These proposals, each presenting unique and forward-thinking solutions, are currently under review by our team. In our commitment to a thorough and fair evaluation, we plan to conduct interviews with...

"... member who has made exceptional contributions to the city. In addition to a $2,500 cash award from ... the Marin Community Foundation, the annual recipient is recognized at a City Council meeting ... and at the annual State of the City dinner. Nominate someone online ..."

Nominations for 2025 Public Service Award! Do you know someone who you think should be recognized for the Public Service Award? Each year, we recognize a member of the community for their contributions in making San Rafael an amazing place to live and work. If you have someone in mind that you believe should be...

"... At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will be presenting a resolution of appreciation to former ..."

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will be presenting a resolution of appreciation to former Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) member Tim Gilbert. Tim served on the BPAC for 15 years, from 2003 to 2018, serving as Chair during much of this time. Tim has been crucial in fostering collaborative feedback from other members...

"... At their meeting on Monday, March 20 at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider authorizing ... buses will no longer need to use City streets as bus stops as originally anticipated. This will help ..."

At their meeting on Monday, March 20 at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider authorizing an agreement detailing the City’s collaboration with SMART on construction of projects related to the Larkspur Extension. You may have heard the recent good news that Golden Gate Transit and Marin Transit buses will no longer need to use...

"... This past Wednesday February 3, City Staff presented a second alternative to the Third and Lindaro ... of public input received after the City Staff presented a recommendation to City Council in November ... that accesses a City owned parking lot. The second alternative presented at BPAC is an Exit Only southbound from ... the driveway that meets most of the City goals and addresses several of the community comments ... between all modes of transportation. City Staff is still receiving feedback from the community over ..."

This past Wednesday February 3, City Staff presented a second alternative to the Third and Lindaro intersection at the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). This second alternative was a result of public input received after the City Staff presented a recommendation to City Council in November 2020. This recommendation showed the closure of a...

"... -the-scenes, ten-week program, offered free of charge. The classes will be held in the City Council ..."

The San Rafael Police Department is holding their first Spanish Citizens Police Academy to serve the City’s Spanish-speaking population. The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is an interactive, behind-the-scenes, ten-week program, offered free of charge. The classes will be held in the City Council Chambers every Wednesday night starting March 29, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to...

"... On Monday night, the City Council approved a resolution to construct a multi-use bicycle ... Marin from Sausalito to Novato and beyond.  City staff will continue to work on the segment from Rice ..."

On Monday night, the City Council approved a resolution to construct a multi-use bicycle and pedestrian path along the soon to be constructed SMART rail path from downtown San Rafael to Larkspur.  On Wednesday, the SMART Board agreed to incorporate our project into their larger rail segment.  The path, designed by BKF, will be incorporated...

"... At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will present a proclamation ... contributed to the long-range planning of the City through his participation in the review ..."

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will present a proclamation to recognize former Planning Commissioner Jack Robertson, who recently retired after having served on the Planning Commission for nearly eight years. During his tenure on the Planning Commission, Jack contributed to the long-range planning of the City through his participation in the review and action...

"... At this same meeting, the City Council will hold a public hearing ... residential and non-residential properties in the City of San Rafael, CSA 13, CSA 19, and Marinwood ..."

At this same meeting, the City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordinance that, if approved, would set the Paramedic Services Special Tax rate on both residential and non-residential properties in the City of San Rafael, CSA 13, CSA 19, and Marinwood Community Services District (CSD), commencing in Fiscal Year 2018-19. Through...

"... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2024 City of San Rafael ... Rafael, CA — On August 19, 2024, the City of San Rafael provided ... a comprehensive update to the City Council and the community ... a broader understanding of the issue's evolution in the City and County of Marin ... . Inform how services are delivered—Clarify the roles of the City, County, and community-based ..."

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2024 City of San Rafael Announces an October 3rd Community Webinar to learn more about the City’s homelessness response and to Launch Communications Campaign Highlighting Efforts to Address Homelessness San Rafael, CA — On August 19, 2024, the City of San Rafael provided a comprehensive update to the City Council...

"...  City Council meeting, the Council will hold ...  6th City Council meeting, the Council will hold ...  regular City Council Meeting, the Council ...   City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday ... of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday ..."

Snapshot - de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: Taken from Ridgewood Fire Road, November 2021  PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, City Manager  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Joanne Paben for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot quiz! The picture was taken from the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Trail. This path is great for the entire family! Check...

"... the traffic signals talk to each other. The City has decided that due to the drought and high summer ... is coming to an end, the City plans to go out to bid later this month for the Francisco Blvd East ... funds. Once bids are opened and the contact is awarded by City Council, construction will likely ... weeks. For more information visit the city website ..."

The Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk project is almost complete! Next week the contractor will be removing the traffic control that has been blocking off a portion of the street during construction. The final steps are to finish installing the new streetlights, remove the old lights, finish a few remaining sidewalk sections, and finish the installation...

"... a few. The staff report being presented to City Council on Monday evening provides a brief summary ..."

COVID-19 is an emergency on so many levels – physically, emotionally, and financially just to name a few. The staff report being presented to City Council on Monday evening provides a brief summary of COVID-19’s impact on San Rafael as context to a larger financial response discussion. While there are many financial unknowns (e.g. will...

"... Rafael City Council expresses its appreciation to Lionel Ashcroft for his efforts on behalf of his ..."

Lionel Ashcroft has been selected as the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award due to his community involvement. He and his family have been residents of San Rafael for forty years, and Lionel has devoted much of his fife to the research, documentation and sharing of San Rafael's history as an author, teacher,...

"... The City of San Rafael City Council has unanimously approved a resolution declaring ... to hateful and discriminatory actions and rhetoric in our communities. The City of San Rafael stands ... with fellow California cities in denouncing rising trends of bias and bullying that have plagued our ... downtown City light posts and posters for local businesses to publicize United Against Hate week to all ... commuters, shoppers, residents, and community members. The City will also host a virtual community ..."

The City of San Rafael City Council has unanimously approved a resolution declaring the week of November 14 - 21 as United Against Hate week. United Against Hate is a statewide campaign undertaken by local municipalities to raise awareness of and declare unequivocal opposition to hateful and discriminatory actions and rhetoric in our communities. The...

"... . At Monday night’s meeting, the City Council will present a resolution recognizing National Hispanic Heritage Month. ..."

Each year, we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of community members whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America--from all communities that identify as Hispanic. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon...

"... Also on Monday evening, the City Council will hear an update ..."

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will hear an update regarding the process for a planning effort underway to explore possibilities for new and improved library facilities for San Rafael. The research phase of the project has been completed—looking at potential expansion, renovation, or new site locations for three potential library options: a new...

"... )  Why did the City prepare a “Downtown Precise Plan ... Governments (ABAG) to prepare a new Downtown Plan.  This not only allowed the City to update its ... rated “Exceptional” were subsequently designated as local landmarks by the City Council. Two small ... it is a Landmark.  Landmarking is a separate process that requires action by the City Council ... .  Formally creating a district would require City Council action. The two eligible districts include ..."

Downtown Historic Preservation Information For questions regarding Downtown Historic Preservation Contact Renee Nickenig This page provides comprehensive information on historic resources  data collected through the Downtown Precise Plan program.  It includes the following components: Access to the Summary Report Webinar Information (Feb 23, 24, 25) Frequently Asked Questions DPR Forms May 2021 Revised Summary Report...

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