City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Search Results


1230 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... What you can do:  Replace your lawn with California native plants ... NOTE: Do not start your project before receiving approval by email. ... Hadden Designing with Succulents by Debra Lee Baldwin Lawn Gone! ... lang=eng&suite=cobalt gone! ... lang=eng&suite=cobalt gone! ..."

Matched in attachment: "... This is one of the department’s smaller stations; however, it only houses three firefighters per shift ... Clarification offered by the City to one consultant shall be distributed to all known participants ... Proposals shall be limited to no more than thirty-five (35) one-sided pages (8½”x11”, or 11”x17” for ... Do not submit resumes for individuals who do not have a high probability of actually leading or working ... Understanding of the work to be done (25 points) 3. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... elections, specific steps it will undertake to facilitate this transition, and an estimated time frame for doing ... to choose a map other than “Canal 3B” to establish the four City Council districts, the Council may do ... NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Rafael does ordain as follows: 3 DIVISION ... or his or her designee is authorized to make technical adjustments to the district boundaries that do ... The boundaries of the electoral districts shall be established so that the electoral districts do not ..."

Matched in attachment: "... OLD BUSINESS None scheduled. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. ... The Agency is hereby authorized, in its own name, to do all acts necessary for the exercise of said ... visual inspection to determine the relative extent to which water may be used for purposes which do ... (Do the members list CMSA as additional insured?) Section 19. ... (not done - all staff hired by GM) The General Manager is hereby empowered to hire all non management ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Many residents do not have access to a car and as a result, transit is a lifeline service for residents ... The following information does not include workers who have commutes involving more than one method, ... There are intersections without curb ramps and locations where sidewalks and ramps do not meet ADA ... One exception is the TAM GetSMART pilot program. ... frequent service and maybe express service 30  More school-route buses are needed so children do ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Unfunded Projects listed as Unfunded in the CIP are ones where City funding sources (e.g. ... The project was completed in one day and will serve San Rafael for the next 20 years! ... project • Uncontrolled Crosswalk Rankings o Uncontrolled crosswalks, crosswalks where motorists do ... The City has nearly completed the design and plans to do construction next year. ... This will enable staff to monitor all traffic signals in the city through one system. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Attendance at one (1) project kick-off meeting with City staff is required. ... Clarification offered by the City to one Consultant shall be distributed to all known participants ... Do not submit resumes for individuals who do not have a high probability of actually leading or working ... Understanding of the work to be done (10 points) 3. ... o Reservations This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, to defray any costs incurred in ..."

Matched in attachment: "... One is on B Street, and one is adjacent to 1212 Second Avenue. ... Above the bay, at the second level, is a paired, one-over-one-light, wood-frame, double-hung window ... Above the entry, at the second level, is a one-over- one-light, wood-frame, double-hung window. ... Both were likely one-over-one-light windows, but are covered in plywood today. ... proposed design features at the corner of 2nd and B Street, and the retail frontages along B Street do ..."

Matched in attachment: "... The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. ... o Multiple routes, not just one. o Extend path north along and under freeway. ... SoH-", ,,,i ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Please note that mediation does not guarantee a reduction in any rent increase and that you must continue ... ) A Tenant must submit a Mediation request no more than 10 calendar days after the Tenant receives one ... Program mediators do not inquire from anyone about the immigration status of any party to mediation nor ... do they report to any third parties the immigration status of any party to mediation. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... repair and maintenance, recreational programs, building and code enforcement services, planning and zoning ... Committee may not include any employee or official of the City, or any vendor, contractor or consultant doing ... F) Meetings 1) The Committee shall conduct at least one meeting each fiscal year. 2) Special meetings ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Where there is an existing desirable pattern consistent with zoning regulations of building height, ... Where windows do not reflect an existing pattern, greater attention should be paid to other means ... v Shade trees should be provided in parking lots per the zoning ordinance. ... v Signs may be provided on an awning, consistent with the zoning ordinance. ... BELLE W A TT H IG H W A Y RAFAEL DRIVE DR IVE B EL L E STREET JE W ELL AVE A VE N U E DO ..."

Matched in attachment: "... What will the Precise Plan do? § Assess previous planning efforts. ... § Establish a Downtown Vision for the next 20 years with zoning-level development standards and design ... San Rafael Precise Plan | Downtown Options Report | September 27th, 2019 13 Pop-Up 1 results What do ... too big, not too small 22 Lack of housing 14 Arts and events 24 Not enough interesting things to do ... with wider sidewalks, street trees, new plazas and public art B, C and D Streets are converted from one-way ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Councilmember Bushey Councilmember Hill Councilmember Kertz Vice Mayor Llorens Gulati Mayor Kate Absent: None ... • Recommended including language clarifying purpose that staff is analyzing what to do with personal ..."

Date and time: 2023-05-08 03:00 pmLocation: City Council - May 8, 2023 (Special)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaDate and time: 2023-05-08 03:00 pmLocation: City Council - May 8, 2023 (Special)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda CorrespondenceDate and time: 2023-05-08 03:00 pmLocation: City Council - May 8, 2023 (Special)Department: Public...

Matched in attachment: "... How often does the Planning Commission hold meetings? ... to take an action on an item on the agenda, except for recommendations on legislative items (i.e., zoning ... If you have sent the Commission a letter or e-mail, do not repeat the information or opinions in oral ... Do not address the applicant, members of the public or staff. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Design criteria are contained in the San Rafael Municipal Code zoning districts and Chapter 14.25 ... How do I Apply for a Design Review Permit? ... Minor Design Review Permits are decided at a public hearing by the Zoning Administrator. ... Administrative level permits are reviewed by staff, and do not require notice or hearing. ... Approved projects typically are provided one-year to obtain permits and commence construction. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... The peak hour is defined as the highest one-hour volume counted during each of the two-hour time periods ... Marin Transit Route 49 provides service between Novato and San Rafael seven days per week with one-hour ... The closest station to the project site is at the Civic Center, approximately a one-mile walk. ... The driveway counts do not differentiate trips between the UPS store and gas station, so it was estimated ... This should be done in conjunction with added pedestrian crossing features, as discussed in the pedestrian ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Contractor Accounts” offers the ability to review all you permit history and application statuses all in one ... If you do not see your name in the drop down list, please contact us at (415) 485-3355 to verify that ... Here are a few things you will be able to do: 1. Apply for Permit 2. Search for Permit 3. ... reach out to you via the contact information that you provided early SEARCHING FOR PERMITS If you do ... If you have multiple addresses, repeat steps one to four for each address. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... A brief, one-page description of the exhibition explaining its overall theme and scope. 2. ... If you do not have an online portfolio, please include in this document, or e-mail example pieces to ... A brief, one-page description of the exhibition explaining its overall theme and scope. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... One committee member shall represent the City's business community interests. 2. ... The Committee shall meet within one month after appointment of its members and select a Chair, Vice ... One member shall be a business owner who represents the broader business community interests. ... ( optional): EDUCATION: DESCRIBE YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH THE DISABLED COMMUNITY IN SAN RAFAEL: DO ... , PLEASE STATE THE NAME OF THE GROUP AND YOUR POSITION WITH IT AND ATTACH LETTER OF REFERENCE: DO ..."

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