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2897 Results Found

"... , over the past 6 years, the City has conducted discussions, studies, regulatory adjustments ... in the community the City is soliciting proposals from qualified mobility, traffic, and parking ... and preferences of the City, while also drawing upon best practices from similar programs implemented in other ...   This City ... the City Council, enforcement measures would be established, and a one-time fee would be charged ..."

East San Rafael is a vibrant and diverse area that has traditionally been marked by socio-economic disparities compared to the rest of San Rafael. The area has a mix of residential and commercial spaces and has faced an increased demand for parking due to population growth, housing shortages, economic development, and changes in land use....

"... On December 4, 2017, the City Council appointed ... and interests, including City Commissions, neighborhoods, advocacy groups, and members at-large.  Most ..."

On December 4, 2017, the City Council appointed a 23-member Steering Committee to guide the 2040 General Plan Update.   The Committee represents a diverse range of organizations and interests, including City Commissions, neighborhoods, advocacy groups, and members at-large.  Most of the members have a designated alternate, bringing the total number appointees to 45.  The Committee...

"... As part of the City’s Strategic Priority of Economic Recovery, the City ... on both city-wide economic resiliencies, as well as the economic vitality of key areas of the City ... that was presented to the City of San Rafael Council Economic Development Subcommittee on February 9 ... to the City Council Economic Development Subcommittee ..."

As part of the City’s Strategic Priority of Economic Recovery, the City has retained Kosmont Companies to prepare an Economic Development Strategic Plan to make recommendations designed to enhance the City’s economic growth and viability. Kosmont’s approach will focus on both city-wide economic resiliencies, as well as the economic vitality of key areas of the...

"... : San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 ... Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 ... : San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael ... Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 ... In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue ..."

Date and time: 2025-02-25 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community & Economic DevelopmentDate and time: 2025-02-25 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community & Economic DevelopmentAgendaPlanning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Watch Online: Watch on Zoom Webinar:

"... Last year, City Council supported a 6-month study to evaluate existing East San Rafael parking ... conditions and better prepare parking solutions the City could implement. The City is first pursuing ..."

Last year, City Council supported a 6-month study to evaluate existing East San Rafael parking conditions and better prepare parking solutions the City could implement. The City is first pursuing a short-term strategy of implementing time-limited parking. Following the estimated sign installation timeline, the Department of Public Works Maintenance crews have been hard at work...

"... , will present to the City Council regarding their rate increase proposal. Mr. Horenstein will explain ... the contents of the proposal and provide figures detailing the impact to the City of San Rafael and San ..."

At Monday’s meeting, Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD)’s General Manager, Ben Horenstein, will present to the City Council regarding their rate increase proposal. Mr. Horenstein will explain the contents of the proposal and provide figures detailing the impact to the City of San Rafael and San Rafael residents. There are two main components of the...

"... At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will be recognizing one of our distinguished former ..."

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will be recognizing one of our distinguished former Board/Commission members, Mr. Eric Holm. Eric had served on the ADA Access Advisory Committee from 2009 to 2018 and on the Park and Recreation Commission from 2010 to 2018. As a member of the ADA Access Advisory Committee, Eric assisted in the City’s efforts to create a...

"... Also on Monday night, the City Council will hold public hearings for the Baypoint Lagoons ..."

Also on Monday night, the City Council will hold public hearings for the Baypoint Lagoons Landscaping and Lighting and the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment Districts. The proposed assessment for the Baypoint Lagoons Assessment District is $759.61 per parcel and supports the maintenance of various infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, storm drains, landscaping, lighting,...

"... she participated in the formation of Marin County's "911 Paramedic Program." Through these many years ... organizations and special projects including, among others as: board chair of the Northbay Leadership Council ... -chair of Lifehouse; board member of the Marin County School -to -Career Program; and leadership posts ... ), and the Community Action Marin Dorothy Hughes Humanitarian Award (2004). The San Rafael City ... Council expresses its appreciation to Pat Kendall's efforts on behalf of her community and hereby ..."

Patricia (Pat) Kendall is a long-time resident of San Rafael well known for her community and civic involvement. Trained as an emergency room nurse, Pat's community service began 35 years ago when she participated in the formation of Marin County's "911 Paramedic Program." Through these many years, Pat has continued to support this program as...

"... The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards ... : The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions ... or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new ... 2023 Meeting Schedule:         Second and Fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Council ... with the City of San Rafael. Term ..."

The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards and commissions. Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Planning Commission Board Description: The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make...

"... Master Plan 2018 Update to City Council, where they approved the Plan and the Negative Declaration ... , Council, and public comment to develop a Plan that would satisfy everyone. Getting this Plan adopted ... was critical, as it will be used when the City applies for grant funding. The first grant ..."

On Monday evening, Lauren Davini, Traffic Engineer, brought the San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2018 Update to City Council, where they approved the Plan and the Negative Declaration unanimously. Updating a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is no easy task; it was a year and a half of gathering and mapping existing conditions,...

"... The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill a vacancy on the Board of Library Trustees ... for a new library, serve as advocates for the Library to the City Council, and help increase the visibility ... month at 6:00 p.m. Eligibility Requirements:         Must reside in San Rafael city limits ..."

The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill a vacancy on the Board of Library Trustees for a partial term to expire at the end of April, 2023. Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Board Description: The Board of...

"... for adoption at the June 7th City Council meeting. Staff will also request approval ..."

Following the completion of significant park improvements in summer 2019 at Pickleweed Park, the playground at the former Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications was removed in anticipation of a project to widen Canal Street/Spinnaker Point Drive and create additional on-street parking. Staff have completed the design of the improvements and continue to work with an environmental...

"... The City Council will consider an ordinance proposed to be adopted ..."

The City Council will consider an ordinance proposed to be adopted on an urgency basis that would enact a temporary moratorium on rent increases (“rent freeze”) for tenants residing in certain residential units through December 31, 2021. The proposed temporary moratorium would solely apply in two designated US Census Tracts, Tract Nos. 1122.01 (Canal Neighborhood) and 1122.02...

"... , representatives from the Marin Municipal Water District will provide a special presentation to the City ... Council relating to infrastructure and water conservation to help us understand how to conserve our ..."

Less than one percent of the world’s water supply is readily available for human use. The rest is salty, frozen at the poles, or trapped underground. Yet, we collectively waste gross amounts of water in several ways: poorly maintained water infrastructure (such as leaking water pipes), industrial water waste, water use for agriculture in arid...

"... private property and prepare for the threat of wildfire. On Monday evening, the City Council will hear ..."

This year, San Rafael, similar to many parts of the Western United States, is in the midst of an unusually long and high-risk fire season as a result of several recent years of drought, high levels of extremely dry vegetation, and elevated summer temperatures. We currently staff two open space rangers and a comprehensive vegetation...

"... Communities (the World Health Organization United States Affiliate). At the September 5th City Council ..."

We are excited to announce that this week we were accepted in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities (the World Health Organization United States Affiliate). At the September 5th City Council meeting, we learned that 25% of the population in Marin is 60 or older in San Rafael and of this group half are 75...

"... San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) is switching to by-trustee area elections (also known as district ... are conducted independently of City Council district elections. SRCS will be hosting a series ... . For more information, visit San Rafael City Schools' website. ..."

San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) is switching to by-trustee area elections (also known as district elections). Currently, Board members are elected in "at-large" elections, where each member is elected by voters throughout the District’s territory, including both the elementary and high school regions. Beginning in 2020, the SRCS Board of Education will be elected based...

"...  Team (CERT) volunteer and is a co-founder of the Marin County CERT Coalition. Carolyn ... activist.  The San Rafael City Council expressed its appreciation of Carolyn ..."

Carolyn Lenert has been selected as the Citizen of the Year due to her community involvement. Carolyn is a well-known community builder and leader. Carolyn has provided an effective presence as a key representative to the North San Rafael Coalition of Residents and as President of the Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association. Carolyn has contributed countless hours coordinating outreach, sharing resources...

"... City logo for a fresh new look ... (City ... , City ... , City Council ... , City ..."

Here's an update of what we've done and what we're doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Wrote a post about our current site analytics. Decided the team needed a Trello board for better coordination and communication. It’s already helping. Pretty much finished all the answers content! Whew! There’s a few we still need...

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