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"... (City ... , City Clerk ... , City ... Council ... , City ..."

Here's an update of what we've done and what we're doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Had an awesome Labor Day weekend and some well deserved r&r. Created new online forms for claims, a neighborhood association directory, various applications and complaints. Identified about 50 PDF handouts to be converted and consolidated into webpages....

"... This 4th Amendment was adopted by City Council December 6, 2021 to incorporate new organic waste ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ; and WHEREAS, certain state laws require cities, counties, and special districts providing solid ... WHEREAS, the SB 1383 Regulations require cities, counties, and special districts providing solid waste ... on a periodic basis as required by CITY. 9. ... COMPANY shall develop waiver application forms and shall provide them to CITY for CITY approval prior ... EPSTEIN, City Attorney ATTEST: ________________________________ LINDSAY LARA, City Clerk ..."

This 4th Amendment was adopted by City Council December 6, 2021 to incorporate new organic waste requirements, specifically to accommodate new State requirements pursuant to Senate Bill 1383, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Law.

"... the project will be at the February 7th City Council meeting for the construction award. Construction ... or summer of 2023. To assist the city during construction we have hired Coastland Engineering ..."

The Third Street Rehabilitation project is currently out to bid soliciting for a contractor to work on the construction phase of this project. The Department of Public Works is anticipating the project will be at the February 7th City Council meeting for the construction award. Construction for the Rehabilitation Project is anticipated to begin around...

"... On December 17, 2018 the City Council authorized a contract with a local engineering design firm ... order totheir project at no cost to the City.  Caltrans is anticipating that the bridge work ..."

On December 17, 2018 the City Council authorized a contract with a local engineering design firm to develop a design to add a double right turn lane onto east bound 2nd Street from the North Bound 101 off-ramp to central San Rafael.  The design is being fast tracked with the intent to include this work...

"... City services, and at Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving an agreement ... to move the City from a reactive support model to a proactive one by improving overall technical ... support coverage for the City, increasing network security and training, improving the customer service ... experience, and freeing up City employees to focus on strategic initiatives and citywide technology ... governance. What this means for you is more efficient and effective City services. To learn more about ..."

We’re continuously on the move to modernize City services, and at Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving an agreement with Xantrion, Inc. for information technology services. Our existing model for providing municipal information technology services (such as helpdesk and network support) relies on five separate vendors which has led to structural problems, inefficient...

"... .  The City, via MCERA, has a funding strategy in place based on sound actuarial practices ... that will ensure the long-term viability of the retirement plan. The City of San Rafael’s contribution rate ... year 2021-2022, thus once the unfunded liability is fully amortized the City will experience ... a balanced city budget. Since PEPRA took effect in 2013 benefits offered to new employees have ... . More Information About San Rafael Pensions and Retiree Health Benefits The City ..."

Overview Welcome to our “one-stop-shop” for community members interested in information on post-employment benefits. Below are links to hundreds of pages of financial data and information regarding our financial assets and liabilities, pension reform actions, and retiree health reform actions. Please see the box “By the Numbers” for a brief summary of current assets and...

"... Starting November 23rd through November 25th, City Hall and most non ... -essential City facilities, which include Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public ... revenue losses the City continues to experience ... , as approved by our City Council, is effective through the end of the fiscal year. Visit our ... , and regular Parking Enforcement schedules will remain in effect. In addition, non-safety City services ..."

Starting November 23rd through November 25th, City Hall and most non-essential City facilities, which include Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public safety Furlough Schedule, which is a cost-saving measure in response to significant COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule, as approved by our City...

"... is set for Monday, July 2nd at 9am. Members of City Council and the community will be there to make ..."

Before After   The new Victor Jones Park Playground is open to the public! There will be some minor utility work that will be completed by mid-July, however, the playground is now open for the community to use and enjoy. The Victor Jones Park Improvement project includes two new play structures, a new swing set,...

"... The City ... Council ..."

The City Council will hold public hearings for the Baypoint Lagoons Landscaping and Lighting and the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment Districts. The proposed assessment for the Baypoint Lagoons Assessment District is $131.44 per parcel and supports the maintenance of various infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, storm drains, landscaping, lighting, the playground, and more....

"... and civility of our neighborhoods, towns and cities. United ... to take action in their local communities and alter the course of this growing intolerance. The City ... of San Rafael stands with fellow California cities in denouncing rising trends of bias and bullying ... that have plagued our communities in recent years. When cities and their residents work together against ... City Council meeting, Damien Oyobio, a member of the City’s ..."

What is United Against Hate Week? United Against Hate Week (UAHW) is a call for seven days of local civic action by people in every community to stop the hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns and cities. United Against Hate Week was created by...

"... The City of San Rafael has installed 4 new electric vehicle (EV) chargers at 1400 5th Avenue ... , serving City Hall and the Library. They were installed in June as part of the upgrade to the City Hall ... by the City Council this past spring. These parking spaces are available 24/7 and carry a 2-hour restriction ... premium access to the entrance to City Hall. Parking rates are $1 per hour, raising to $2 per hour ... after 2 hours. Eventually they will be fueled by solar energy as solar gets installed on the City ..."

The City of San Rafael has installed 4 new electric vehicle (EV) chargers at 1400 5th Avenue, serving City Hall and the Library. They were installed in June as part of the upgrade to the City Hall electrical system and PG&E transformer, and were paid for by grants from the Bay Area Air Quality Management...

"... The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards ... .  Eligibility Requirements:         Members of the Committee shall reside in city ... volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use ... :         Second and Fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Council Chambers ... with the City of San Rafael. Term ..."

The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards and commissions. Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Fire Commission Board Description: The Fire Commission consists of five members and two alternate members who advise and...

"... , the City of San Rafael has been looking for innovative service delivery models.  Many communities ... to Cincinnati to West Palm Beach Florida, many cities are turning to a relatively simple and straightforward ... ago the City of San Rafael started working with a group of community ... shower trailers.   Received $140,000 from the Marin County Council ...   On Monday night, the San Rafael City Council approved providing two mobile shower ..."

Based on the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, there are approximately 1,100 people experiencing homeless in Marin County.  Over 70% of Marin's homeless community resides outside of San Rafael.  In an effort to simultaneously reach people outside of San Rafael, de-concentration services in Downtown San Rafael, and get people plugged into the County of Marin's new...

"... and desire to share cultural advantages with the entire community of San Rafael. The San Rafael City ... Council expresses its appreciation to Phyllis and Max Thelen for their efforts on behalf ..."

Phyllis & Max Thelen have been selected as the Citizens of the Year award due to their community involvements and accomplishments promoting arts, culture and education. The Thelen’s community contributions began in 1963 with their founding of Marin Ballet which, over the years, has trained thousands of Marin children in ballet and dance arts. They...

"...                                                                                                                                             City ... issued a Temporary Restraining Order which prohibits the City from enforcing its no camping ... ordinance at the park until further order of the Court. The City is responding to the order. The City looks ... 6th meeting, the City Council also adopted a resolution absolutely prohibiting camping at this park ... . The City Council heard from many concerned parents of the Parkside Preschool and Children’s Center ..."


"... Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 ... Recommended Action – Adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt the proposed ... In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 ... Recommended Action – Adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt the proposed ... In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth ..."

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-09-13 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - September 13, 2022Department: Community DevelopmentDate and time: 2022-09-13 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - September 13, 2022Department: Community DevelopmentAgendaPlanning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 7:00 P.M. AGENDA In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Participate Virtually:...

"... Sites The County of Marin has applied for Project Homekey funding for three different sites ... , immediately across the street from a major transit stop, a grocery store, and the County of Marin's ... Homekey would allow the County to purchase the property, and after the temporary use of emergency shelter ... . On Monday night the San Rafael City Council approved allocating up to $1.54 million towards ... Project Homekey, the Marin County Board of Supervisors (BOS) will ultimately make the final decision ..."

At the end of June the Governor announced "Project Homekey", which set aside approximately $600 million for the acquisition of hotels, motels, and other existing buildings for both interim and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness and who are vulnerable to COVID-19. Marin's Project Homekey Sites The County of Marin has applied for Project Homekey...

"... The City of San Rafael will be hosting the first pilot Public Art Advisory Group meeting ... on the projects. All proposed projects will require City Council approval prior to installation ..."

The City of San Rafael will be hosting the first pilot Public Art Advisory Group meeting next Tuesday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m. The pilot Public Art Group is made up of community members and local artists who will be providing feedback to groups proposing public art projects in San Rafael. Two projects will be...

"... Council, the Rotary Club of San Rafael, and many more associations. Melissa led fund raising efforts ... gave back to smaller non-profits in Marin County. Melissa takes every challenge she has faced in her ... the City of San Rafael’s Public Service Award for 2023. The San Rafael City Council expresses its ..."

Melissa Prandi was selected as the recipient of the Public Service Award due to her consistent level of selflessness demonstrated throughout her life’s work. As a business owner in San Rafael, she models community engagement and encourages her team to participate in volunteer work. Melissa has spent much of her time volunteering with the San...

"... : San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA ... Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council ... : San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA ... Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 ... Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 ..."

Date and time: 2023-06-06 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community DevelopmentAgendaDesign Review Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 6, 2023 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Or Participate Virtually: Watch on Webinar: Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171 Meeting ID: 885 6816 1418 This meeting will be...

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