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4055 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... ) adoption of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZO18-003), 3) approval of a Development Agreement (DA ... (ZC18-002), Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZO18-003), Development Agreement (DA19-001), Master Use ... Amendment (GPA18-001), Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZO18-003), Development Agreement (DA19-001 ... for particles equal to or larger than 5mm, so they do not enter into the City’s storm drainage system d ... (GPA18-001), Planned Development (PD) Rezoning (ZC18-002), Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZO18-003 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Environment Our Economy Community Outreach and Empowerment Implementation What more can be done ... at regional, state, federal, corporate and global levels? What more can be done by individual residents ... Development” 2012, that’s too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future ... 400 20001990198019701960195019401930192019101900189018801870 CO 2 pa rt s pe r m ill io n ...  Our Economy (EC): Green Businesses Social Equity Where do our GHG emissions come ..."

Matched in attachment: "... agencies and does not work for any private solid waste management companies. We do, however, have ... 3 providers for local and defensible space services whenever it is reasonably able to do so ... to their responsibilities, have rendered a dedicated service to their communities and, in so doing, have established ... and EDEN Housing are not party to this DA, so the vesting does not apply to the senior center ... ). The planning applications included: a) a General Plan Amendment (GPA18-001) and Zoning Text Amendment (ZO ..."

Matched in attachment: "... t f ro m Zo ni ng S ta nd ar ds ) C on si de r a dd in g ‘n ei gh bo rh oo d ... ai lin g de ns iti es o f a dj ac en t ne ig hb or ho od s” a nd p ro po se d C ... af ae l N ei gh bo rh oo ds .) T he L O S re co m m en de d fo r I rw in , w hi ... ei gh bo rh oo d M ee tin gs ) A dd in fo rm at io n ab ou t C ou nc il re so lu ... in es a re p ro po se d fo r a do pt io n al on g w ith n um er ou s s ite - sp ec ..."

Matched in attachment: "... said he was concerned about tweaks being done in a smaller group and not at a regular meeting. He said ... on the work that was done at the first and not repeat the same exercise. Linda Jackson agreed ... . Emily Dean asked what the committee will be doing in December and January. Ms. Jackson said ... will happen as the projects are implemented, but no environmental work is being done as a part ... for environmental work, some do not. Paul Jensen added that this plan is similar to the Downtown ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ” in at least one zoning district, allows mobile and manufactured homes, does not apply special rules ... proclaim the month of September 2021 as National Preparedness Month and in doing so, urge all ... . In the event that County does not exercise such option within the one year option period, City may ... Station #57 Improvements that do not affect the total square footage, dimension or height ... impacting the Sale Property which do not comply with any applicable Laws; and ( 6) Preserve ..."

"... and condominium apartments within 10’ of combustible construction. Do not operate a grill right ... sources. There are also electric charcoal starters, which do not use fire. Be sure ... . If you smell gas while cooking, immediately get away from the grill and call the fire department. Do not move the grill. ... setting up, using and cleaning your BBQ grill. Unattended cooking remains the number one cause ... by a professional before using it again. If the leak does not stop, call the fire department ..."

It is anticipated that many backyard barbecue’s will be in use during a power outage. Please exercise extreme caution during these times of elevated fire risk and keep safety in mind when setting up, using and cleaning your BBQ grill. Unattended cooking remains the number one cause of fires and fire related injuries in San...

Matched in attachment: "... ?clip_id=5707de8a-5952-4ad4-a920-7392dccc0154&meta_id=2d8a1df7-0315-4608-82a5-085daed33385&time=6 ... AVE MISSION AVE LI N CO LN A VE ANDERSON DR LI N D A RO S T RITTER ST LINCOLN AVE ... De Paul Society dining room is located immediately east of the site, on the opposite side of B ... . The current zoning does not require visitor parking to be provided on site. Whistlestop/Eden ... neighborhood area. Case Number(s): ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA18-001 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... site is in a I DO-year flood zone and the new recreational building as designed and used is exempted ... lights and outdoor soccer field lights, in particular, shall be shielded so that they do not aim above ... be shielded so that they do not aim above the horizon. Additionally, outdoor lights should be flight ... ) amendment from Planned Development (PD 1764)-WO to Planned Development (PD)-WO to establish zoning ... with the PO zoning standards and San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.18. 17. Bicycle parking shall ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ), Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZO18- 003), and Development Agreement (DA19-001); and 4 ... permission to do so. Grace Zhang is the engagement partner and is responsible for supervising ... to the new requirements when it is deemed in the best interest of the City to do so ... boundary c) Filtration shall be required for particles equal to or larger than 5mm, so they do ... ) 45 104,Bo•@ 700.00- ' o S 7s•;sg•oon € 33 @ s 7:·oo• c 700.00· SHEET NO. 14"21'qo ..."

Matched in attachment: "... to ask first (Voluntary time off — VTO), we will do so. If we cannot create enough savings in the VTO ... acknowledges doing so voluntarily and waives any further period for consideration. e. Employee has ... /wordlinkreceiver.php?clip_id=a1e81085-88e9-4b99-9c21-2fbff855e5a7&meta_id=ae22903d-d11e-463e-80dc-c4e0de9992e7&time ... -2fbff855e5a7&meta_id=ae22903d-d11e-463e-80dc-c4e0de9992e7&time=2112 ... -9c21-2fbff855e5a7&meta_id=ae22903d-d11e-463e-80dc-c4e0de9992e7&time=2112 http ..."

Matched in attachment: "... for-profits and one nonprofit never having done so. Developers who had not built in Marin County were ... . (2015). The Tradeoffs of Inclusionary Zoning: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know ... Solutions Network, to potentially do this analysis. 4. One nonprofit developer said that requiring ... American Planning Association. (2004). Practice Inclusionary Housing Part One. Zoning Practice ... of Inclusionary Housing No Need for Government Subsidies Local governments and taxpayers do not have ..."

Matched in attachment: "... with one route going along Las Gallinas Avenue (see “Las Gallinas Avenue: Pedestrian Improvements” above ... into one plan—bikeway, Mall plans, transit stops (overlays)--so environmental impacts can be evaluated ... the entry way at the grass circle at Northgate One. • Keep plans simple so as not to put off property ... standards for Class I bikeways, and do not minimize interferences with motorists. In residential ... on or near Las Gallinas. If development pressures do not require four lanes of traffic, then a Class ..."

Matched in attachment: "... : “What do you like in North San Rafael? What don’t you like? What would you like to change ... , locate building entrances so that people do not have to walk across parking lots to enter ... to discuss issues affecting the business community, and to share ideas for what could be done ... to bus stops along 26 Highway 101 is safe and convenient. Do not require pedestrians ... they do not cross bikeways and sidewalks. • Provide a park-and-ride lot screened from view ..."

Matched in attachment: "... . Although this zoning district does not permit single- family or duplex residential uses, multi-family uses ... t responsible agencies. itial St d NO that t 'ect pr to de two V n-era s res wo a sign adver ... sta the De eVlew Board, including: reduc ssive b g mass corne d and B t; elimi e eave, and ba dow ... related to demolition and grading work done within 15 feet of the west property line could exceed ... on the project site are demolished and when site preparation work is done, the following measures ..."

Matched in attachment: "... a Vi st a Commercial F Laurel W oo ds G ar de n Walter Lunny Br oo ks Julia Upper ... . People who have the financial means to move elsewhere will do so. 11 ived in Los Angeles for 26 ... financial statements. By doing so, readers may better understand the long-term impact ... to support debt service in the event the third party is, or will be, unable to do so. An issuer should ... (ZONING ORDINANCE) RELATED TO REGULATIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (ZO21-001) WHEREAS ..."

"... Rafael Police Department is doing its part to identify businesses that appear to be in violation ... .  If compliance is not gained, a criminal citation will be issued.  We do not take this enforcement stance ... lightly.  The seriousness of the threat we all are facing prescribes that something be done to slow ... . Como el caso numero 39 en el Condado de Marin, el Dr. Willis dijo en su declaración por video “mi ... caso es una prueba mas de que COVID-19 esta con nosotros”. Por favor, vea el poderoso video del Dr ..."

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL We are continuing to monitor and respond to COVID-19 in our community. The need for our community to comply with the shelter in place order and to practice social distancing when absolutely necessary to leave your home, is more vital than ever. We must work together to limit community spread....

"... provider to see if they offer testing; most do. If you don’t have health insurance, you can get tested ... removed the motorized access restrictions to our parks and open spaces a few weeks ago, so this does ... ’t forget to fill-out your Census! You can do ... dining, and curbside library services. We'll be working to open our ... to make it easier for businesses to use public space for outdoor dining and retail. This will allow ..."

Progress continues! New guidelines have been posted to Marin Recovers allowing additional businesses (that follow specific criteria) to reopen Monday, June 1, 2020, including, outdoor retail, office space, outdoor dining, and curbside library services. We'll be working to open our Downtown and Pickleweed libraries for curbside pickup beginning Wednesday, June 3rd - stay tuned! Additionally, more parks and beaches will be opening up to motorized access on June 1st. Marin County Parks has curated...

"... . Do I need to replace parking if I convert my ... -street parking is not required. Do I need ... zoned ... on it? The rules apply to any property that is in a zoning district that allows residential use and has ... either existing or proposed dwelling units. For example, the Commercial/Office zoning district (C/O ..."

What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit? An Accessory Dwelling Unit (aka, “second unit,” “in-law unit,” or “granny unit”) is an additional dwelling located on the same lot as a single-family or multi-family development. An Accessory Dwelling Unit may be attached to the primary residence, detached from the primary residence, or contained within an existing residence or accessory...

Matched in attachment: "... had done it yourself • If you’re in a jam, Firefighters jump in and help • You don’t have to ask ... do our absolute best to always “Help” • We are looking for Stand-up Individuals • Firefighters ... and Capable • We are Aware, Engaged and Involved • Trust is knowing the work will be done as if you ... , and you do not need to participate in another written exam. ... are you here? • WHAT do you know about San Rafael (the City and Community)? • WHAT do you know about ..."

2022 Candidate Orientation

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