Second and Fourth Street Intersection Improvements
Project Contact
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Project goals
- Improve pedestrian and bicyclist experiences
- Bring the intersection up to current design standards including compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
- Maintain critical access to neighborhoods and downtown, and reasonable vehicular traffic flow for local and regional traffic
- Improve the downtown gateway experience
Planning/Design | $230,000 |
Construction | $4,000,000 (~$3 Million Grant Funded) |
Design Completion & Bid | 2024-2025 |
Construction | 2025-2026 |
Fourth Street, also known as the “Miracle Mile” connects San Rafael to San Anselmo and all points west in Marin County. Through central San Rafael, Fourth Street is a retail shopping street but west of the downtown core, Fourth Street becomes a six-lane separated arterial street serving all of the commuters from West Marin who use the route to access Highway 101 as well as tourist traffic that traverses the stretch to reach West Marin and Point Reyes National Seashore and other coastal destinations. The route serves nearly 20,000 vehicles per day and smooth traffic flow is essential to ensuring people can get to and from their destinations easily.
The corridor was built in the mid-20th century and has surpassed its useful life. The traffic signals are outdated, pedestrian facilities do not meet the current ADA standards, and the facility is in need of major improvements to handle the multi-modal traffic using it each day. The intersection of Fourth Street and Second Street is the City’s gateway from west Marin and serves local and regional transit buses for commuters and other users from and to West Marin County.
The existing intersection contains five separate traffic signal phases, legs, each of which requires time for vehicles and pedestrians to transit through it. The main routes are also at a skewed angle which creates confusion for bicycles, pedestrians, and motorists through the intersection. This project would reconfigure the intersection, shortening the crossing distances and minimizing the number of crossings for pedestrians and bicycles. The five current legs would be reduced to four, shortening the wait times and improving throughout for all users here including public transit operations. The project would also complete the Class IV bikeway connection from West Street to West End and the Greenfield Avenue bike facility, which is a critical connection listed as a top priority in the City’s Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Other improvements include accessibility improvements, drainage, and the undergrounding of overhead electrical service.
Construction Schedule
The daily construction schedule is still being determined. Updates for the project will be posted to the City’s website. Mailers and informational letters will be sent to residents impacted by the project ahead of construction.
The contractor is still being selected for this project. Contact information will be provided on the project’s webpage ahead of the project construction start date.
Related Projects
Previous Community Events
Project Community Event:
What: Second and Fourth Street Intersection Improvement Project
When: Thursday, February 27th at 6:00pm
Where: San Rafael City Hall, Council Chambers (1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901) and Zoom
Please visit the below link to watch the Informational Presentation for the Project as well as view the related documents!
Staff are working to update the FAQ section to respond to all questions received from the community regarding this project.