September is National Preparedness Month! While disaster preparedness is an every day activity, September offers a specific opportunity to raise awareness and inspire action. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disaster is protecting everyone you love.” There are weekly themes that the City will highlight via digital outreach. Be sure to follow our Instagram (@SanRafaelAwesome) and Twitter (@SanRafaelOES) feeds for important tips and action items.
2021 Weekly Themes
- Make a Plan
- Build a Kit
- Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness
- Teach Youth about preparedness
In addition to our digital information campaign, we will host classes and continue are partnered outreach table on Thursdays at Dining Under the Lights to get more people signed up for Emergency Alerts.
September Virtual Preparedness Classes
1 Hour 2 Get Ready
- Wednesday September 15th from 5:30-6:30 p.m.; English
- Tuesday September 21st from 12-1 p.m.; English
- Friday September 24th from 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Spanish
September 22nd Community Wildfire Forum
Wednesday, September 22nd | 5:30 p.m.
The Fire Department will also host a Community Wildfire Forum to provide updates on the various completed, in-flight, and future projects. As time allows we will take questions and comments from the audience. Register online and submit your questions in advance!
Proclamation of Recognition
At the August 16th City Council Meeting, the Council adopted a proclamation recognizing September as National Preparedness Month and urging all residents to take action to improve our communities resiliency. The proclamation recognizes the great grass root work of neighborhood response groups, Firewise communities and our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).