Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 

Excessive Heat Warning in effect until next Tuesday. Red Flag Warning is in effect until Friday evening. For information on how to stay safe in the heat and prevent wildfires please visit emergency.marincounty.org


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Posted on July 10, 2020

Starting this month, Pubic Works Admin employees Erika Spencer (Administrative Assistant II) and Iman Kayani (Administrative Analyst) will be taking on new duties with other departments. Anne Derrick of Community Development will be retiring at the end of the month, and with the hiring freeze, a replacement won’t be made for some time. To assist with the Department’s ongoing Admin needs, Erika will be 50% CDD and 50% DPW starting in August. The hiring freeze has also impacted the vacant Analyst position in the City Manager’s office, and with the important #8cantwait initiatives coming up, Iman has stepped up to support those efforts. Beginning in July, Iman will be 100% City Manager’s office for the next few months. Administrative Assistant II Jason Madayag is holding down the DPW Admin fort but has offered to begin processing invoices for CDD. While DPW Admin will be stretched very thin these coming months, it feels good that our strong and capable team can assist our City family during these difficult times!


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