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Sidewalk Repair Program 2/3 Complete in East San Rafael

Posted on October 2, 2020

New Sidewalk

The Sidewalk Repair Program passed another significant milestone this month, having completed over 33,000 square feet of new sidewalk in San Rafael. 33,868 Sqft of sidewalk have been replaced at 196 properties and represent nearly 1.5 miles of new sidewalk. Work continues in the Peacock Gap neighborhood where 75 of 120 properties have already been completed. A total of 50 properties participated on Riviera Drive alone!

new sidewalk with landscaping new sidewalk and curb cut sidewalk with landscaping

Following work in Peacock Gap and East San Rafael, the program will head back towards Downtown and Terra Linda. Once complete in Terra Linda, the program will have officially made one pass through San Rafael. A second pass will commence shortly thereafter, and will start in Sun Valley and Gerstle Park for those that signed up in 2019.

As part of the program tree replanting is also being scheduled for the Gerstle Park neighborhood. Nearly 25 trees will be planted this fall to replace trees that were removed as part of the program earlier this year. Tree replanting in Peacock gap will start once work in the area is complete. Trees being replanted are selected off of the City’s Approved Street Tree List which ensures the replacement trees are suitable for our climate and infrastructure.

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