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Sidewalk Repair Program Slowed but not Stopped

Posted on June 2, 2020


The Sidewalk Repair Program, like most construction in the State stopped and took a pause in March and April. With the amendments to the Shelter in Place order allowing construction to resume, the City and contractor, Van Midde and Son concrete have slowly started repairing sidewalk again. Additional protective and preventative measures are being taken by the contractor like isolating crews from each other to reduce contact and working at least 6 feet apart from each other when possible. The City and contractor have taken advantage of the reduced traffic and resumed work in some of our typically busier areas. This includes replacing over a 1,000 square feet of new sidewalk at 711 D Street last week. The City and contractor intend to resume the program in full on June 8, 2020 and will pick up where we left off in East San Rafael.

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