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Snapshot — Affordable Housing, Boards and Commissions Updates, Digital Marin, and more!!!

Posted on September 2, 2022


Spotlight Photo

Snapshot en Español

Richmond-San Rafael Bridge taken from the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park

PHOTO CREDIT: Louise Yost, Pickleweed Advisory Committee member

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Jane Alt for being the first to respond correctly to our last Snapshot Quiz. The question: “Can you identify the portmanteau in this edition of Snapshot?” A portmanteau is a word where the meaning is derived from a blending of two or more distinct words; for example, breakfast and lunch to make brunch or street and eateries for our own City “streetaries.” Congratulations Jane, and thanks for reading Snapshot!

Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.

San Rafael City News

City Council to Consider Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

In June 2022, voters approved re-implementation of Measure A for another nine years. The Measure imposes a one-quarter of one percent retail transactions and use tax that is administered by the County of Marin, and funding supports the preservation of parks, open space preserves, and farmland in Marin County.

In its first nine years, the tax has generated an average of $14 million per year for parks, open spaces, and farmland preservation across Marin. During that period, the City has received almost four million dollars in Measure A funding that has historically been used to support park maintenance, vegetation removal and management, and protection of open space.

The City’s FY2022-2023 Measure A work plan will rely on $780,000 from Measure A funding to support a variety of park capital improvement projects. Staff presented the work plan to the Park and Recreation Commission on August 2nd, and City Council will review and either approve or adopt changes to the work plan at their meeting on September 6th.

Read the Staff Report here.

Council to Hear Resolution in Response to Grand Jury Report on Affordable Housing

On September 6th, the San Rafael City Council will consider a response prepared by staff to a recently published report by the Marin County Civil Grand Jury entitled Affordable Housing: Time for Collaboration in Marin. Made up of Marin County citizens, the Civil Grand Jury is an independent investigative body that monitors the performance of local government and makes recommendations to save taxpayers’ dollars and improve services.

The 2022 Grand Jury Report on affordable housing lists ten findings and one suggested recommendation to address the housing affordability challenge in Marin County.  The Grand Jury has requested that the City of San Rafael review and respond to the findings and suggested recommendation, which focuses on a coordinated regional approach to facilitate development of more affordable and workforce housing. The response describes current collaboration on housing and outlines future possibilities and intentions.

Read the Staff Report here.

City Council to Hear Resolution and Ordinance Changes to Existing City Boards and Commissions

On Tuesday night, September 6th, the City Council will review recommended changes to the Board of Library Trustees, Design Review Board, and Fire Commission. There are several proposed changes to the various boards and commissions that include amending all masculine language to gender neutral language, clarifying the expectations of Board members, term limits, and more. To see a full list of proposed changes, read the staff report here.

City Council to Hear Resolution in Support of Digital Marin Strategic Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted many issues facing students, households in underserved areas, older adults, people with disabilities, and other individuals facing barriers to using the internet. The Digital Marin Strategic Plan project involved a needs assessment to define where Marin is experiencing the digital divide. The plan includes several strategies to move Marin to a better digital future by creating leadership, governance, collaboration, and actions that advance broadband deployment and digital adoption.

The strategic plan was in part designed by the City of San Rafael and will be a valuable tool in building and completing important digital projects in San Rafael. The City Council’s support of Digital Marin, to be considered at the September 6th Council meeting, will show a united approach when applying for grants, helping the County of Marin and the City of San Rafael to obtain future funding to put the strategic plan into action.

Read the Staff Report here. 

Special Presentation Suicide Prevention and Awareness

September is known as National Suicide Prevention Month and is intended to help raise awareness surrounding suicide prevention resources available in our community. On September 6th the Council will hear a special presentation on Suicide Prevention and Awareness highlighting the need for resources to shed light on this highly stigmatized topic. The City of San Rafael urges all residents and community members to strive to build safe and supportive environments and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues that too often prevent people from seeking the care they need.

Read the Staff Report here.

Request for Information (RFI) – City Seeking Partners for Interim Housing

The City of San Rafael, in an ongoing effort to respond to the homelessness crisis in Marin County, is requesting information from property owners, managers, developers, faith-based organizations, or social service providers who are interested in partnering with the City of San Rafael on a potential Interim Housing Unit (IHU) development project. The IHU would take the form of several individual small modular housing units, which typically range in size from 64-100 square feet. The concept would be to up to 20 of these structures on any given property. For visual examples of the general concept, see projects in Petaluma and Santa Rosa, and there are numerous other examples around California.

The City is anticipating a possible grant of $500,000 from the State of California to be matched by the County of Marin to carry out the IHU project. The City is issuing this Request for Information to determine interest in partnering with the City and the availability of local sites which could be utilized for an IHU project.

Third Street Improvements   

During this week (August 29th– September 2nd), crews will continue the installation of fiber optic conduit and cable on Second Street from G Street to Hayes Street.  The sanitary sewer rehabilitation crew will start installing new sewer pipe and laterals by open trench method on Ida Street. Crews will replace concrete curb ramps and sidewalks on Second Street between West Street and Marquard Avenue, and crews will continue to apply shotcrete to the new retaining wall.


  • Beginning August 22, 2022, PG&E will begin its electrical relocation project on Second Street from Fourth Street to Miramar Avenue.
  • The stairway from Second Street to Jessup Street (south of Ida Street) is closed.
  • For the Lane Shift on Second Street the posted speed limit is 25 mph, drivers should be aware of changed conditions and be alert.
  • Traffic Controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be put in place to direct motorists through the work area.
  • Curb parking spaces will be marked “No Parking.”

The hours of work will be 6 am – 6 pm and lane closures 6 am – 3 pm on Third Street and Second Street westbound, and 9 am – 6 pm on Second Street eastbound.

Visit the Third Street Improvements Project website to learn more about this critical effort, and sign up here to receive weekly email updates.

COVID-19 Updates

As we enter September and head back to school it is important to remember the possibility of exposure to COVID-19 during gatherings remains high. Please remain diligent against the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing, masking, and testing whenever possible.

According to the Marin County Department of Public Health, as of August 23, Marin County has 236 “Active Cases” (cases confirmed in the previous 10 days) bringing the total confirmed cumulative cases to 40,664 since March 2020. These numbers continue to highlight the remaining threat of COVID-19 in our communities, and the need for all community members to remain diligent in their efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Please follow the links below regarding the appropriate steps to follow if:  

COVID-19 booster shots and vaccination appointments continue to be offered at all Marin vaccine clinics. If you need transportation assistance to get vaccinated, please visit the following links about Lyft’s Vaccine Access Program and GoGoGrandparent. As always, if you are experiencing any COVID-19 like symptoms, please get tested as soon as possible, even if you are fully vaccinated.


worker clearing path

The City of San Rafael is dedicated to the well-being and beautification of San Rafael’s open spaces. The Public Works parks division is currently working along Shoreline Park, near Target, clearing overgrown vegetation near and along the pathway. The crew was able to get assistance from Forster & Kroeger Landscaping to help clear the weeds, broom, and other dead plants from the area. Shoreline Park is a part of the San Francisco Bay Trail

At the Last Council Meeting on August 8, 2022

Beginning with the April 18 City Council meeting, the City Council has returned to in-person meetings combined with a virtual real-time public comment on agenda items.

At the August 8, regular City Council Meeting, the Council:

  • Approved Consent Calendar Items
  • Held Interviews for the Following Boards and Commissions:
    • Planning Commission
    • Park and Recreation Commission
    • Public Art Review Board

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.


September is National Preparedness Month, so San Rafael, let’s Get Ready!

There’s a lot to think about when preparing for real-time emergencies. Getting prepared is within your reach! If we all prepare, our community is safer during a disaster and more resilient afterward. Sign up for Alerts & Notifications:

  • AlertMarin: Sends critical information from local agencies during a disaster if you need to take Register up to five phones in your household.

Sign up at Alert Marin

  • Nixle: Sends out general public safety information alerts via text based on your zip code about local issues.

Sign up for Nixle

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Meeting

Thursday, September 8, 6:00pm  

At this second community meeting, we will present the results of the community outreach and identify the gaps in service based in the inventory analysis and community input. This meeting will also present initial criteria for prioritizing park and facilities improvement for discussion and comment. If you are unable to attend this meeting but you would like to share your thoughts, you can also send an e-mail to: or visit our webpage for additional information.

Join us via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 857 5131 1643

PG&E Virtual North Coast Region Town Hall

Monday, September 12 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

PG&E is inviting customers to join a virtual town hall to learn more about what they are doing to serve communities. They’ll be discussing their regional approach to improving operations, bolstering safety and delivering better outcomes for customers. During this town hall, attendees will have a chance to ask questions and share feedback with the PG&E team, including Regional Vice President, Ron Richardson.

Join via Zoom:

Resilient Neighborhoods Climate Action Workshop

Thursdays starting September 15, 6:30-8:30 pm

Create a healthy, low-impact, and resilient household. In the free, online 5-session Climate Action Workshop presented by Resilient Neighborhoods, you will reduce your carbon footprint and get prepared for climate-linked emergencies like droughts and wildfires with your climate action team. Taking simple actions like trimming energy and waste, utilizing clean energy, conserving water, and making smarter transportation choices can save you money too. More than 1,800 Marin residents have already reduced more than 10 million pounds of CO2 pollution through the program. Free for Marin residents!

Register here

Get Connected! Month

The California Broadband Council (CBC) issued a “Call to Action” in March 2022 to get high-speed Internet service to 90% of all eligible low-income households by 2024. The Get Connected! Coalition invites all counties, school districts, county offices of education, libraries, cities, community-based organizations (CBOs), internet service providers (ISPs), health plans, clinics, hospitals, other health and human services providers, and health advocacy organizations and other interested local leaders to step up to do their part to reach all low-income households in California.  Click on this link to share how you and your organization could contribute to a successful Get Connected! Month.

Marin Business Showcase

Wednesday, September 21 from 4:00-7:00 pm 

The Marin Business Showcase, a program of the San Rafael Chamber, is an award-winning business expo with over 50 exhibiting businesses showcasing their goods and services. The annual event welcomes our local residents to come out and show your support for our local businesses.  Come on out, get to know our amazing business community, learn about local products and services and   try the cuisines of local restaurants and caterers.

In addition to incredible networking, this year’s event features:

  • Sample cuisine from our local restaurants and caterers
  • Free wine tastings and craft beers from our local tap room- Ounces Outside
  • The chance to learn about the products and services of your local businesses
  • A sneak preview of the 44th Annual Mill Valley Film Festival!

This year’s event takes place at the newly remodeled Embassy Suites, 101 McInnis Parkway. San Rafael. Visit for more information or call 415-454-4163


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