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Snapshot — Affordable Housing Funds, Service Award, Fire Station 55 and More!!!!

Posted on March 31, 2023


Snapshot en Español


Spotlight Photo

Sun Valley Trail

Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Shanna Moler for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured Pendicularis densiflora or a “Warrior’s Plume” which can be found all over the Mt. Tam watershed and in abundance along the 680 Trail! Congrats Shanna and thanks for reading Snapshot. Scroll down to see this edition’s quiz and be the first to answer!

San Rafael City News

Notice of funding availability for affordable housing

At the Monday, April 3rd, City Council meeting, the Council will hear a report on the notice of funding availability (NOFA) of $1.4 million from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to support affordable housing construction or preservation for seniors, families, and individuals with special needs, including those who have previously experienced homelessness. The funding will be awarded through a competitive process, and qualified responses may receive full or partial funding, with the possibility of awarding funding to multiple projects. The selection criteria included in the NOFA will be used to evaluate responses and make recommendations for the funding award, which will require approval from the San Rafael City Council. The NOFA will align with the affordable housing goals of both the County of Marin Consolidated Plan and the City of San Rafael Housing Element, and funding recipients may be considered for CDBG and HOME funds administered by the County.

Read the Staff Report Here

Countywide Fire Dispatch

At the Monday meeting, the City Council will hear a report on upcoming changes to the countywide fire dispatch program. The City of San Rafael’s contract with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office for fire dispatch services is coming to an end, along with a number of other fire agencies. The Marin County Fire Chiefs’ Association explored options and the Marin County Fire Department proposed assuming responsibility for fire dispatch on a contractual basis. The City is evaluating options and presenting the City Council with an informational report for a path forward.  Any formal agreement would ultimately come back to the City Council for consideration.

Read the proclamation Here

Presentation of the Richard O’Brien and the Mary Ferrario O’Brien Public Service Award

At next Monday’s meeting, the City Council will present a Resolution of Appreciation to this year’s “Richard O’Brien and the Mary Ferrario O’Brien Public Service Award” recipient. This award is given to recognize a San Rafael community member who has made exceptional contributions to the City. In addition to Monday’s presentation, the awardee will receive a $2,500 cash award from the Marin Community Foundation and will be recognized at the annual State of the City dinner.

Celebrate Diversity Month Proclamation

April is “Celebrate Diversity Month.”  Celebrate Diversity Month is a time to recognize and honor the unique qualities that make each person and culture special. This month-long celebration encourages communities to embrace diversity and promote inclusivity, respect, and acceptance. The City of San Rafael recognizes the importance of diversity in creating a strong and vibrant community. Through various events and initiatives, the City aims to celebrate the diversity of its residents and promote a welcoming environment for all.

Read the proclamation Here

Week of the Young Child Proclamation

The “Week of the Young Child” is an annual event celebrated in the United States during the month of April, focusing on promoting early childhood education and development. This week-long celebration aims to bring attention to the critical role that families, teachers, and communities play in ensuring that every child has a strong foundation for future success. The City of San Rafael invites you to acknowledge and appreciate the significance of the Week of the Young Child.

Read the proclamation Here

Third Street Improvements   

During this week (March 27 – March 31):
  • Crews will shift traffic lanes northward on Third Street from C Street to E Street.
  • Crews will place concrete for a curb ramp at the northeast corner of Third Street and A Street and B Street. This work will require a curb lane closure and no parking adjacent to the intersections.
  • Crews will start to remove concrete for curb ramp at the southeast corner of Third Street and E Street, D Street, and C Street. This work will require a curb lane closure and no parking adjacent to the intersections.
  • Crews will replace storm drains at Third Street and A Street, and Third and B Street. This work will require a curb lane closure and no parking adjacent to the intersections.
  • Crews will continue to construct the new median islands on Second Street from West Street to G Street. The work will require a lane closure and traffic lane shift.
  • Crews will replace the sanitary sewer lateral main on Third Street between A Street and Lootens Place. This work will require a lane closure on Third Street.
  • Crews will replace the sanitary sewer lateral main on Third Street between Lincoln Avenue and Cijos Street. This work will require a lane closure on Third Street.


    • Beginning April 3rd, 2023, the crews will be replacing the storm sewer pipe on Third Street between Lincoln Avenue and Irwin Street. This work will be performed at night (7:00pm to 6:00am).
    • The stairway from Second Street to Jessup Street (south of Ida Street) is closed.
    • For the Lane Shift on Second Street, the posted speed limit is 25 mph. Drivers should be aware of changed conditions and be alert.
    • Traffic Controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be put in place to direct motorists through the work area.
    • Curb parking spaces will be marked “No Parking.”

The daytime hours of work will be from 6 am to 6 pm, with lane closures from 6 am to 3 pm on Third Street and Second Street westbound. Lane closures will also be in effect from 9 am to 6 pm on Second Street eastbound.


TALES OF THE CITY- Fire Station 55

Fire station with fire fighter standing in front

On March 23rd, firefighters moved into the newly renovated Fire Station 55, at 955 Point San Pedro Road. We would like to thank the firefighters for continuing to provide uninterrupted service under challenging conditions that included a modular building converted for use as living quarters and a tent structure to cover the fire engine and ambulance from the elements. We would also like to thank Mayor Kate and members of the City Council, along with the community for understanding the need and providing support through Measure E! Since Measure E was passed, the City has completely replaced Fire Station 57 and Fire Station 52, built a new Public Safety Center including a new Fire Station 51 and Police Department, and is completing the modernization of Fire Station 55 (above) and Fire Station 54. (Pictured: Captain Ryan Brackett, Engineer Mark Sedlack & Firefighter Trina Vadon)

At the Last Council Meeting on March 20, 2023

Beginning with the April 18, 2022, City Council meeting, the City Council has returned to in-person meetings combined with virtual real-time public comment.

At the March 20, regular City Council meeting, the Council:

  • Held open time for public expression.
  • Heard City Manager and Councilmember reports.
  • Approved the consent calendar.
  • Presented a of Proclamation to Lawrence ‘Larry’ Luckham upon his retirement from the Fire Commission
  • Accepted the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.


Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation

Mayor Kate has signed on to the annual Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation again this year! Although we have had a very wet winter, it won’t be long before we are in the dry summer season again and climate change over the years has made droughts more prevalent across our state. It benefits all of us to revisit our water use and keep up good conservation practices to help preserve our water supply. By adopting water conservation practices, we can all help ensure that we have enough for everyone’s needs, especially during times of drought.

Join the Mayor Kate and take the pledge HERE. Let’s all do our part to conserve and keep our reservoirs full as long as possible!

Free Defensible Space Direct Assistance Available in San Rafael and Marinwood!

Need help preparing your property for the 2023 fire season? The San Rafael Fire Department continues to offer free direct assistance to create defensible space at San Rafael and Marinwood properties on a monthly basis. This program focuses on removing dead vegetation, poorly maintained vegetation, invasive vegetation, and highly combustible fuels such as Juniper and Italian Cypress. If you are interested in this assistance program to create defensible space around your property, please reach out to or (415) 458-5020 for more information.

A Resilient Neighborhoods: Free Climate Action Workshops – Learn to Live Lightly on the Earth

Sign up for this fantastic 5-session climate action workshop with Resilient Neighborhoods this spring. Participants will learn how to live sustainably and bring climate-friendly practices to their homes. The sessions take place every other week via teleconference. The program is free for Marin residents. The next workshops start on Mar 30 and Apr 5. >>Learn More and Sign Up Here.

Downtown Clean & Green

Friday, April 21, 10am-12pm

Join other awesome volunteers and business members in sprucing up downtown San Rafael for Earth Day! Volunteers will remove graffiti, polish up parking meters and sidewalk fixtures, pull spring weeds, beautify downtown intersections, and remove litter. Together, volunteers will help beautify the downtown corridor in partnership with the local businesses that make San Rafael such a wonderful place to live. Don’t forget to Shop Local for Earth Day all week long! Volunteers can sign-up to participate here.

Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-ups

Saturday, April 22, 9am- 12pm

Celebrate Earth Day by beautifying our local neighborhoods! Several litter clean-ups are planned around San Rafael, and these events are great opportunities to connect with neighbors and enjoy the great outdoors while making our community cleaner and safer for all. Community-members may join an existing clean-up or organize one of their own. So far, locations include:

  • Surf Sports 101
  • Shoreline Path behind Pickleweed Park
  • Sun Valley Neighborhood

For more information, click here.


What program did this City staff team just complete in this photo from 2012?

City Staff 2012 holding sign outside of City Hall

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