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Snapshot — Climate Change, Budget Adjustments, Fire TV, & More

Posted on September 16, 2021

Gallinas Creek Oil on Canvas

A beautiful oil on canvas painting of the Gallinas Creek. 
PHOTO CREDIT: Sherill Miller, San Rafael Artist 

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Dan Testa for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The two piece quiz featured a photo of an owl box at Oleander Park. These owl boxes are used in our City parks for gopher/rodent control. Did you know that Wild Care has a program called Hungry Owl Project that helps reduce the need for harmful pesticides and rodenticides? Find out more about this project and ways that you can support it by checking out their website. Congratulations Dan and thanks for reading Snapshot!   

Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.  

San Rafael City News

San Rafael Proposes New Commitment to Reduced Greenhouse Gases 

Did you know that 2020 was the second driest year in 90 years? At our current usage rates, Marin could be completely out of water by late summer 2022. Additionally, 2011-2020 was the hottest decade on record. San Rafael first began addressing climate change in 2006 and our first Climate Change Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gasses was created in 2009, but to combat the increasing effects of rainless winters and summers effected by wildfires, we must reset our long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider a resolution declaring a climate emergency which will allow us to reset our long-term greenhouse goals to align with State targets, while recommitting to rapid climate action. Find out how you can take everyday climate action at the City’s climate action website:

Revised Response to Grand Jury Report 

About a year ago, the 2019-20 Marin County Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled Climate Change: How Will Marin Adapt? relating to coordinated efforts to respond to the effects of climate change in Marin County. Previously, we’ve worked with the County, other Marin cities and towns, as well as other local partners and community members to collaborate on mitigation efforts. We’ve revised our initial Grand Jury response to update our plans to coordinate countywide on climate adaptation planning 

Proposed Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 

During the June 21, 2021 Council Meeting, staff presented the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget update and recommended adjustments. Since the close of the June 30, 2021 fiscal year, staff have reviewed the revenues and expenditures in the general fund, special revenue funds, and other special purpose funds, which have yielded adjustments to align the budget with actuals. On Monday evening, the City Council will review a report highlighting these budget adjustments to formally authorize the actual expenditure and transfer activity through June 30, 2021.   

Reminder to Conserve Water & How to Do It 

Much of California is facing parched conditions after two consecutive dry years and Marin County is no exception to this. Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) adopted mandatory water use restrictions to achieve a 40 percent reduction in water use districtwide. To help customers accomplish this, Marin Water offers rebates and money-saving incentives for water conservation—check them out 

Learn more about our drought conditions by viewing the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM). Updated each Thursday, the USDM shows the location and intensity of drought across the country using a five-category system, from abnormally dry conditions to exceptional drought. The USDM is a joint effort of the National Drought Mitigation Center, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

Find Your Evacuation Zone 

Earlier this summer, we introduced ZoneHaven, a new online resource that includes evacuation information by zones/neighborhoods and provides real-time data on wildfires, emergencies, and fire risks. Community members can check their evacuation zone during an emergency, or any time, to be more informed on current conditions of active emergencies and monitor evacuation status. Additionally, the information in ZoneHaven syncs with the WAZE app. This means that WAZE will take into account zones that are under evacuation warning or order while navigating, and redirect the user to a different route. Familiarize yourself with and bookmark the site in advance to ensure that you Know Your Zone and can find updates on the status of your zone during an emergency. You may also want to help family and friends identify their zone. 

Wildfire Watch TV Launches First Episode! 

FireSafe Marin has launched their first episode of Wildfire Watch TV show—Ember Storms + When the Power Goes Out. The new show addresses residents’ concerns and provides the most current wildfire prevention and preparedness information in a new and fast-paced format. You can catch the show on Comcast Cable Channel 30, AT&T Ch 99, and online or stream at your convenience on Fire Safe Marin’s websiteFacebook page, or YouTube channel. Be sure to check out the part about how embers spread by our very own City of San Rafael Emergency Manager  Quinn Gardner. It is really interesting and helpful.  

Marin Recognized for Addressing Digital Equity Issues  

Marin County has been announced as one of six 2021 Leaders of the North Bay for a cooperative effort to address internet access disparities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognized for the Canal WiFi Project, the collaborative community effort was given the “Empowering the Latino Community,” award. 

We teamed up with the County of Marin, San Rafael City Schools, and countless donors to address these issues: distributing thousands of Chromebooks to students and installing a public Wi-Fi network for the Canal neighborhood when the pandemic forced students to stay home.  

Calling All Youth Artists! 

Do know someone who leverages art expression to increase mental, physical, and emotional well-being? Young people in Marin County are invited to share their creativity to increase awareness and conversation of youths’ perspective on mental health and well-being expressed through art and film to be displayed at the Youth Art & Film Showcase for Suicide Prevention. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, September 22nd. 

Submissions Guidelines 

Youth up to 25 years old who reside or attend school in Marin may submit art that tells their story of mental health through art. Any artwork that helps express one’s message and experience with mental health can be submitted, this includes: a drawing, painting, poem, dance, sculpture, video, music, or any other art form!  

See our events section below for more on this showcase.  

3D Printing Available at Our Northgate Library Branch! 

3D printing uses computer-aided design (CAD) to create three-dimensional objects through a layering method, and guess what? We are now offering 3D printing appointments at our Northgate Branch! Make an appointment with one of our awesome WebStars to learn about and utilize our 3D printers. Appointments are available on Saturdays at 12pm and 2pm. Requested items must have a five hour or less print time and if there are multiple components they must all fit on the 3D printer’s bed. Additionally, patrons may only request one item at a time. 

If you have questions or would like to learn more about 3D printing, give us a call at (415) 485-3323. You can view our 3D Printing FAQ and 3D Printing Policy for more information. 

TALES OF THE CITY—San Rafael Fire Inspection Program

Rent Freeze Outreach Photo

On January 19th, the City of San Rafael City Council adopted a temporary “Rent Freeze” ordinance for tenants residing in certain residential units through December 31, 2021. The City recently developed a team to remind impacted residents of this new ordinance. The team was comprised of Ana Santiago, Devon Webb, Hector Carlos, Walter Gonzalez, David Garcia, David Herrera, Sean Mooney, Thomas Wong, and Lidia Que. They walked the neighborhoods to distribute an estimated 1,700 flyers, shared information online and on social media, and mailed over 3,000 mailers to residents and property owners.  Awesome work, team! 


Due to Executive Order N-29-20, we no longer offer an in-person meeting location for the community to attend public meetings. In an effort to provide remote community participation for our City Council meetings, we are piloting real-time virtual public comment on agenda items.

At the September 13, 2021 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:   

  • Approved consent calendar items 
  • Accepted an informational report on the 2021-2022 City Council Redistricting Process. 
  • Heard a special presentation recognizing September as National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. 
  • Heard a special presentation recognizing September as National Hispanic Heritage Month.  
  • Passed an Ordinance to print for the Ground Lease to Centertown II, LP of 855 C Street. 

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday. 


Coastal Cleanup Day   

September 18 | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 
Various Locations in San Rafael 

Join thousands of volunteers around California and hundreds in San Rafael coming together to keep our waterways clean. This is a great way to volunteer in a safe environment outdoors with a friend or family member. Pick any location that works for you and be sure to dress for the weather, and for safety. This is the one day each year that volunteers are asked to track the trash they pick up, which helps the State develop long-term solutions to litter. Residents and businesses of District 1 (Canal and East San Rafael neighborhoods) are also invited to join a listening session with District 1 Councilmember, Maika Llorens Gulati afterward at 12:00 p.m.  

Series: Demystifying Affordable Housing Through a Racial Justice Lens—Part 1 

September 18 | 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Online Event 

In this series, Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Marin and Marin County Free Libraries are teaming up to explore our difficult history with race and housing by looking at the issues in front of us, the history behind them, and possible solutions to these issues all through the lens of social justice. 

On Saturday, a viewing of the third episode of the PBS series, Race: The Power of an Illusion, called “The House We Live In” will be played followed by a discussion with a panel of speakers who have worked on the front lines to open up pathways for those who have been traditionally shut out of affordable housing in the Bay Area. 

Registration is required 

1 Hour 2 Get Ready with Quinn Gardner! 

Wednesday, September 21st | 12-1:00 p.m.

The “1 Hour 2 Get Ready” class focuses on easy things you can do at home and with your family to be more prepared for a emergency or large-scale disaster. If you’re intimated about getting prepared for a disaster, you won’t want to miss this informational class – easy instructions, conversations, and questions from residents. 

Community Wildfire Forum 

Tuesday, September 22nd | 6 p.m. 

We’re excited to share the wildfire prevention efforts that have been underway in San Rafael! Join Quinn Gardner and other Fire staff on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:00 p.m. to hear about completed, in-flight, and future wildfire prevention projects. We’re happy to take questions from our community, send them to us in advance or drop them in the chat during the meeting. 

Youth Art and Film Showcase for Suicide Prevention 

September 25th | 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Marin Health and Wellness Campus (3240 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael) 

In honor of September Suicide Prevention and Recovery Month, the Marin County Mental Health Intern Team has organized a Youth Art and Film Showcase for Suicide Prevention, an in-person showcase of art and film submitted by Marin youth that will take place September 25th. 

The goal of this event is to increase awareness and conversations around mental health and well-being within Marin through sharing youth art and perspective. 

Be a Part of the Climate Action Solution! 

Ready to take effective, measurable climate action and help build disaster-resilient communities?  Join a Climate Action Team by signing up to participate in the free workshop series. During this workshop you’ll learn how to take simple actions like trimming energy and waste, conserving water, and making smarter transportation choices. You’ll see the positive results of your actions and help build a stronger and safer community. 

Thursday Series | 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 

  • Meeting 1: Thursday, September 23rd  
  • Meeting 2: Thursday, October 7th  
  • Meeting 3: Thursday, October 21st 
  • Meeting 4: Thursday, November 4th 
  • Meeting 5: Thursday, November 18th 

Downtown Events All Summer Long 

San Rafael Summer Market Every Thursday
Every Thursday   |   5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The San Rafael Summer Market is a sum of many amazing parts – making it a unique place to visit and be a part of. Join us for this medley of fresh produce, delicious foods, tasty pastries, works by local artisans, and performances by talented musicians—you won’t want to miss it!

Dine Under the Lights Every Thursday & Friday
Every Thursday & Friday | 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Dining Under the Lights has been extended through the end of October! Enjoy drinks and dinner  alfresco style under twinkling lights draped all the way down Fourth Street every Thursday and Friday nightSnap a selfie or a photo of your food and tag us on Instagram @sanrafaelawesome! 

Please check with your favorite businesses for hours and if reservations are advised.


What is this and what is it used for? Answer before anyone else!

Snapshot Quiz Question 09.16.2021

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