Last week Marin County was recognized as a leader in Creative Governance, Data-driven Strategies, Digital Equity Initiatives, and Enhanced Cybersecurity. Learn more about the City of San Rafael’s partnership with the County of Marin and how we’re supporting the community through digital initiatives. Photographed is Vinh Pham, San Rafael’s Data and Infrastructure Manager, installing a Wi-Fi access point at the San Rafael Pickleweed Library.
Photo Credit: Rhett Redelings, Photographer
Last Quiz Question
Congrats to Jane Alt for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured was of the entrance to the gardens at the Falkirk Cultural Center. This beautiful 19th century, eleven-acre country estate has served our community since 1974 and features beautiful gardens provided by the University of California Marin Master Gardeners. Falkirk is also available for rentals and hosts Art Galleries. Members of the public are welcome to visit anytime between 1:00 – 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday. Congratulations Jane and thanks for reading Snapshot!
Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.
San Rafael City News
Spinnaker Point Parking Modification Project
The Spinnaker Point neighborhood in East San Rafael has a high density of residents which contributes to a lack of parking in the area. In May 2017, the City worked with W-Trans to better understand the extent of the parking conditions. The parking study highlighted a gap between the neighborhood’s parking needs and the available supply of parking. One solution to increase parking supply would be to convert on-street parallel parking into angled parking along the northern portion of Spinnaker Point Drive, which would almost double available parking. On Monday evening, City Council will consider adopting the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation (i.e., Mitigated Negative Declaration) needed in order to move forward with this project.
- Read the Staff Report
Adoption of General Plan 2040, Downtown Precise Plan, & Environmental Impact Report
General Plan 2040 is San Rafael’s long-range plan for the future of our community that will shape growth and development decisions for the next two decades. At Monday’s City Council meeting, the second of two public hearings will be held where the Council will consider the adoption of General Plan 2040, the Downtown Precise Plan, the Final Environmental Impact Report, as well as other amendments to the San Rafael Municipal Code. The City Council held the first public hearing at our last City Council meeting on July 19, 2021 and adopted a resolution certifying the Environmental Impact Report. The August 2nd hearing provides another opportunity for public comment on this long-term vision for the future of San Rafael’s built environment.
- Read the Staff Report
- General Plan 2020
Potential Name Change in San Rafael Municipal Code to Streamline Regulations for Parks, Events, and Activities
Currently, there are separate sections in the San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) for Open Space and Parks and Recreation regulations. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider a proposed ordinance that would rename Title 19 of the San Rafael Municipal Code from “Open Space” to “Public Parks, Property, and Open Space” to combine the relative SRMC chapters. The minor amendments will aide in clarifying and streamlining permit regulations and requirements for the use of City facilities and properties.
- Read the Staff Report
Parking Box Installations Set to Begin on Narrow, Hillside Streets
Parking boxes offer a clear indication of where it is safe to park and still allow safe access for emergency vehicles on narrow streets. After a multi-year process, including the adoption of the San Rafael Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, the first parking boxes in the City are being installed. The following roadways on San Rafael/Lincoln Hill will be included in the initial parking box installation next month:
- Chula Vista Drive
- Coleman Drive, Fair Drive
- La Vista Way, Prospect Drive
- Robert Dollar Drive
- Tampa Drive
- Vineyard Drive
Parking boxes will be installed in other areas of the City later this year.
Marin Experiences Fourth COVID Surge
Marin County has the highest vaccination rate in California and one of the highest in the nation. Despite our progress in vaccination rates, Marin and the Bay Area are not immune to the impacts of COVID variants, which are increasing cases throughout the country, even amongst vaccinated individuals. In response, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) updated its Guidance for Face Coverings, recommending mask use for indoor public settings, regardless of vaccination status. If you know anyone who has not received the vaccine you can let them know about free COVID-19 vaccination options in Marin County; find a location near you.
Elections Ambassador Program for High School Students
Do you know a high school student with a passion for civic engagement? As future leaders of our communities, high school students benefit greatly from opportunities to learn about elections and voting. Marin County’s Student Elections Ambassador Program allows high school students to actively participate in the democratic process by leading voter registration campaigns and working to expand the Marin’s Department of Elections Student Poll Worker Program. This is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable experience and community service hours while promoting elections awareness in their school and community.
TALES OF THE CITY—Regional Lifeguard Training in Terra Linda
Across the United States there is a huge need for lifeguard support at public pools. Agencies such as ours are working to find, recruit and provide training for new staff, while retaining certification for existing staff. Tiffany Haley, Program Coordinator at our Terra Linda Community Center, completed the American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Trainer course in 2019 and is now using her certification to conduct lifeguard training courses at our Terra Linda Community Center. Aquatic professionals from throughout the Bay Area, including Oakland, San Francisco, Stockton, Mill Valley and more, travel to Terra Linda twice a week to learn how to become an instructor. After successful completion of the course, they’ll be able to train lifeguards for their own facilities. Big kudos to Tiffany for stepping up to keep the lifeguard training program going so we can keep our pools safe! Interested in becoming a certified lifeguard? Sign up for one of our August lifeguard training courses!
Due to Executive Order N-29-20, we no longer offer an in-person meeting location for the community to attend public meetings. In an effort to provide remote community participation for our City Council meetings, we are piloting real-time virtual public comment on agenda items.
At the July 19, 2021 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:
- Approved consent calendar items.
- Heard a special presentation of a Proclamation designating July 2021 as Park and Recreation Month.
- Adopted an Urgency Ordinance prohibiting camping at any time in Boyd Park and in City parking garages.
- Adopted a resolution approving amendments to the Library and Recreation fee schedule.
- Accepted an informational report on the Highway 101 to Interstate 580 Connector Project.
- Adopted a resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to compensation and working conditions for San Rafael Fire Fighter’s Association.
- Discussed and considered a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to compensation and working conditions for the: Western Council of Engineers, San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association, San Rafael Police Mid-Management Association, and SEIU Local 1021.
City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.
National Night Out is Back!
Tuesday, August 3rd | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The 38th Annual National Night Out (NNO) will take place on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 in neighborhoods throughout San Rafael and the nation. This citywide event is a great opportunity to build neighborhood comradery and connect with San Rafael’s public safety professionals to talk about how we create safer and stronger neighborhoods together. Many neighborhoods will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cook-outs, youth activities, and more.
In light of the challenges we have all endured this past year, it’s time to reconnect with neighbors and friends. This year’s NNO theme is emergency preparedness. San Rafael police and fire professionals and elected officials will be out roaming the neighborhoods and will visit as many as possible. We look forward to seeing you!
First Wednesday Art Talk
Tuesday, August 3rd | 1:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m.
Join FAMSF Docent, Kathryn Zupsic for her online slide talk on Wangechi Mutu: I Am Speaking, Are You Listening? Over the past two decades, Wangechi Mutu has created chimerical images (paintings and sculptures) of powerful female characters, hybrid beings, and fantastical landscapes. The conversation will challenge stereotypes of all capacities, you won’t want to miss it!
Chalk the Walk—Tomorrow!
Friday, July 30th | 12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m.
Come to the Northgate Mall Library for some outdoor fun while leaving your mark on our sidewalks! We’ll provide some free chalk to keep, as well as shared outdoor toys like hula hoops, bubbles, and more.
REMINDER: Movies in the Park
Starting next week, we will begin streaming movies in the park throughout the month of August. Don’t forget your lawn chairs, blankets, picnic/snacks and flashlights!
- August 6th | Albert J. Boro Community Center | Lion King (In Spanish w/ subtitles)
- August 13th | Terra Linda Park | Finding Dory
- August 20th | Victor Jones Park | Moana
- August 27th | Gerstle Park | How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Movies will begin 15 minutes after sunset.
Downtown Events All Summer Long
San Rafael Summer Market Every Thursday
Every Thursday | 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Shop San Rafael’s Summer Market every Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. from A Street to Lootens Place.
Dine Under the Lights Every Thursday & Friday
Every Thursday & Friday | 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Summer nights are beautiful in Downtown San Rafael at Dining Under the Lights. Enjoy a pleasant evening with drinks and dinner, dining alfresco style every Thursday and Friday night. If you snap a photo be sure to tag us on Instagram @sanrafaelawesome.
Please check with your favorite businesses for hours and if reservations are advised.
Where is this? Answer before anyone else!