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Snapshot –Homelessness Update, Budget Amendments, Events and More!!!

Posted on August 16, 2024


Snapshot en español

Spotlight Photo

staff in front of City Hall

Organized by Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL), City Hall Selfie Day is a celebration of public service showcasing pride in local government institutions.
Photo Credit: Lidia Que, City Manager’s Office

Last Quiz Question

ongrats to Tom Obletz! You can find the firefighter gnome behind the Public Safety Center Fire Station in downtown San Rafael! Thanks for reading Snapshot. Scroll down to see this edition’s quiz and be the first to answer.

San Rafael City News

The City Council will meet on Monday, August 19, 2024

Special City Council Meeting – 4:45 p.m.

The upcoming Special City Council meeting is open to the public and will be dedicated to interviewing candidates for the Planning Commission.

Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00 p.m.

Homelessness Update

The City Council will receive a comprehensive update on homelessness in San Rafael.  The presentation will cover the following topics:

  • The City’s camping regulation constraints over the last year
  • Recent legal actions providing the ability to enforce local regulations
  • Proposed camping ordinance amendments
  • Illegal structure enforcement actions
  • New Sanctioned camping program
  • Homelessness program contracts
  • City-county partnership development
  • Next steps

For full details on the above read the Staff Report.

Read the Staff Report 

Urban Lot Splits Application Process Proposed Change

The City Council will consider updates to the Urban Lot Split application process to enhance clarity and consistency. These changes are designed to streamline the process while complying with Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) regulations.

Read the Staff Report 

Grand Jury Response on Sea Level Rise

The City Council will consider a second response to a recently published Marin County Civil Grand Jury report entitled “Cyber Preparedness: Are We There Yet.” The Grand Jury has requested that the City of San Rafael, along with the County and all the other Marin cities and towns, review and respond to the findings and suggested recommendations. City’s response highlights the City’s efforts to address cybersecurity and includes confirmation that the City is developing cybersecurity plans that will includes the City of San Rafael and Digital Service Team developing a disaster recovery plan and policy that outlines roles, responsibilities, and procedures to ensure IT business continuity in the case of a disaster.

Read the Staff Report

Sidewalk Repair Program Updates

The City Council will consider amending the City’s Master Fee Schedule to establish childcare program rates for the 2024-2025 school year. City staff will present how the proposed fees were determined and recommend new rates. The City’s childcare programs are designed to be financially self-sufficient, such that the program fees cover all service-related costs. Because of this, staff are recommending adjustments to current rates to cover the increased cost of employee compensation due to new collective bargaining agreements.

Read the Staff Report

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Amendments

On Monday night, the City Council will consider a few budget amendments, which include transfers to support the SAFE Team, Essential Facilities Capital Projects, and other programs. If approved these updates, ensure that all funds meet their intended purposes and comply with the City’s financial policies as we close out fiscal year 2023-24.

Read the Staff Report

Pavement Maintenance Project

The City’s annual pavement management program provides vital updates to the City’s 333-lane mile network, focusing on preserving and extending the life of roadways through ongoing maintenance and improvements. At Monday night’s meeting the City Council will consider the fiscal year 2024-25 proposed pavement maintenance projects. These updates underscore the City’s commitment to maintaining a safe and durable roadway infrastructure.

Read the Staff Report

Other News

Rooted in Marin Community Survey

San Rafael is participating in the County of Marin’s  Rooted in Marin program, a community-centered outreach and education effort to understand displacement in Marin County. We want to learn more about what San Rafael community members need and want to know about housing and displacement. Please help by CLICKING HERE to complete the survey and share with other community members. The survey will close on September 9, 2024. Participants who complete the survey and provide their contact information will be eligible to win a gift card in a raffle.

More opportunities to get involved are coming soon, including a virtual community workshop in September. Find more information about this initiative and sign up for updates at

TALES OF THE CITY- Wildcare Library Visits


Kids naturally connect with nature and animals, and what better time than the summer to do a special program on that topic! The Pickleweed and Downtown libraries had visits from Wildcare and their bilingual naturalist, Carly, an expert in local wildlife—lively presentations with more than a few memorable moments. Wildcare graciously provided  a partial grant for this program, and the remainder was covered by our generous Friends of the San Rafael Public Library.


At the Closed City Council meeting, the City Council:

  • Conferenced with legal counsel on anticipated and existing ligation

At the Regular City Council meeting, the City Council:

  • Heard City Manager and Councilmember reports
  • Approved the consent calendar
  • Adopted a resolution confirming the engineer’s annual report for the Baypoint Lagoons Assessment District
  • Adopted a resolution confirming the engineer’s annual report for the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment District
  • Adopted a resolution approving the Grand Jury response on E-Bike Safety
  • Adopted a resolution approving the Grand Jury response on Cyber Preparedness
  • Adopted a resolution updating the Master Fee Schedule
  • Adopted a resolution for the Successor Memorandum of Understanding with Temporary Employees
  • Adopted a resolution for the Successor Memorandum of Understanding with Service Employees International Union, Local 1021 (SEIU Local 1021)
  • Adopted a resolution for the Successor Memorandum of Understanding with Unrepresented Executive Management Employees
  • Adopted a resolution establishing the compensation and working conditions for the Elected City Clerk and Elected Part-Time City Attorney
  • Held open time for public expression.

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.


Station 52 Open House

Saturday, August 17, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., 52 Union St. (across from Montecito Plaza)

Join the City of San Rafael Fire Department in celebrating our 150th Anniversary! To celebrate, we are hosting open houses at each fire station across the City. Our next open house is at Station 52, at 52 Union St. across from the Montecito plaza shopping center, and will include a firefighting demonstration at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to visit and meet the crews, see the station, and learn about wildfire prevention. This is a kid friendly event so bring the whole family. We hope to see you there!

Terrapin Crossroads: The Sunday Day Dream Vol. 4 – McNears Beach Park

Sunday, August 18, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., McNears Beach, 201 Cantera Way, San Rafael, CA 94901

Inspired by the many amazing outdoor shows at the old Terrapin Crossroads brick-and-mortar in San Rafael, Sunday Daydream is an all-day music festival centered around music, family, and fun. Hosted at the gorgeous McNears Beach Park in San Rafael. There will be music by your favorite Terrapin musicians, Terrapin food favorites, local craft drinks, and the Camp Terrapin Kids Zone. Tickets are available for Sunday Daydream Vol. 4 can be purchased HERE.

FREE Movie in the Park & Treats with City Staff

Friday, August 23, 50 Canal St, San Rafael, California 94901

  • 7:00 p.m. – Enjoy free snacks, including favorites like popcorn and cotton candy, and learn about City services and programs.
  • 8:00 p.m.– Kung Fu Panda 4 (Rated PG)at Pickleweed Park

Join us for the first of the City’s Movie in the Park series and meet your City of San Rafael team! Stop by to say hello one hour before showtime to meet our team members from various City departments.

Attendees are welcome to bring low chairs, blankets, a picnic dinner, or snacks to enjoy during the movie, and reminded to bring a flashlight for when it gets dark.

For information: click here, email or call (415) 485-3333

Climate Action Plan Community Forum

Thursday, August 22, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor Conference Room

Join Councilmember Maika Lorens Gulati and the City’s Sustainability Team for our quarterly Climate Action Plan Community Forum. This quarter’s agenda includes: Zero Waste Marin’s new programs, Sea level rise project update, City fleet transition, and two-year priority update. Learn more here and mark your calendar – in person at City Hall.

Northgate Town Square Community Open House (Inside the Mall – Center Court Area)

Monday August 26, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Northgate Mall

The developer team for the Northgate Town Sqaure Project, Merlone Greier Partners, invites community members to an open house at Northgate Town Square, inside the mall at the Center Court Area. You are invited to visit any time during the open house to review the plans and renderings and ask questions of the project team.

West End Block Party

Every Friday, August – October 2024 – 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Fourth Street between F to G Streets

The West End Block Party in Downtown San Rafael returns on Friday evenings from August through mid-October. Enjoy eight unforgettable Fridays filled with music and community spirit. Don’t miss out on the fun—bring your friends and family to experience the best of San Rafael’s West End!
Due to the street closure for the block party, Golden Gate Transit will reroute several stops along Fourth Street.  Find the Bus Re-route Information HERE.

West End Block Party

Fridays, August – October 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Fourth Street between F to G Streets 

The West End Block Party in Downtown San Rafael returns on Fridays from August through mid-October. Enjoy eight unforgettable Fridays filled with music and community spirit. Don’t miss out on the fun—bring your friends and family to experience the best of San Rafael’s West End!

Due to the street closure for the block party, Golden Gate Transit will reroute several stops along Fourth Street.  Find the Bus Re-route Information HERE.


What year did Wildcare open?


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