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Snapshot — Hybrid City Council Meetings, Earth Day, Merrydale Path, and more!!!

Posted on April 15, 2022

Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San RafaelKids playing at Pickleweed Park

Spotlight Photo

CAPTION: San Rafael children enjoying outdoor slide at Pickleweed Park.

PHOTO CREDIT: Alma Hernandez, Library and Recreation Department Child Care Instructor

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to William McClure for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured was of a small portion of the “Welcome” sign outside of the new Kaiser Permanente San Rafael Park medical offices on Los Gamos Drive. Congratulations William and thanks for reading Snapshot!

Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.

San Rafael City News

Our City’s First Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual Options) City Council Meeting

The San Rafael City Council has not met in-person since the beginning of the pandemic and has instead used Zoom and YouTube. We are pleased to be back in-person at the next City Council meeting on April 18, but there will also be virtual options for those who prefer them. This hybrid format will be new for everyone, and it may take a little time to get used to, but it will be great to offer both in-person and virtual options to our community. Hope to see you there, in-person, or on-line.

For more information on public meetings, visit the City’s public meetings webpage.

Third Street Safety Improvements

On Monday’s City Council meeting, the Council will hear proposed resolutions on the Third Street Safety Improvements Project. This item relates to the segment of Third Street from Lindaro Street to Union Street and would provide street resurfacing, curb ramps, sidewalks, storm drains, and traffic signal upgrades.

The Third Street Safety Improvements Project is scheduled to be implemented concurrently with the Third Street Rehabilitation Project (Miracle Mile to Lindaro Street), with both projects coordinated by City staff to achieve the best finished product. The resolutions include construction management, materials testing, inspection and construction support professional services, to be funded through a combination of local and federal funding.

Design Review Process for Certain Residential Projects

On Monday, April 18, Community Development staff will propose an updated design review process for certain residential projects to the City Council. Over the past few years, the City Council has explored issues related to the challenges to approving and developing housing in San Rafael and the changes that could be made to facilitate housing development.

A one-year pilot program is proposed as an approach to maintaining transparency in the review of development applications while streamlining the permitting process. Once the one-year program has concluded, a final report will be provided for the City Council’s consideration with input from the Planning Commission and Design Review Board on whether to continue the pilot program, continue the pilot program with amendments, or to discontinue the pilot program.

Public Hearing on Military Type Equipment Policy

At Monday’s City Council meeting, Police Department staff will present a resolution and ordinance to approve a military equipment policy consistent with State Assembly Bill 481. Assembly Bill 481 was authored by Assembly Member David Chiu (D-San Francisco) to address the funding, acquisition, and use of military equipment in California law enforcement agencies. All law enforcement agencies must follow AB 481. You can find more information as well as a full list of the equipment that SRPD currently possesses at

Council to Hear Informational Report on Multi-Use Merrydale Path

At Monday’s City Council meeting, Public Works staff will seek input from the Council on a multi-use pathway from Las Gallinas Avenue to the Civic Center SMART train station via Merrydale Road. This proposed multi-use pathway will connect the Terra Linda residential and retail land uses to the SMART train station, a connection included in San Rafael’s 2040 General Plan and Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan.  Staff will present four options for the City Council to consider, all of which will provide space for all modes of traffic.

Earth Day Clean & Green and Shop Local

Volunteer to keep San Rafael awesome on April 22 and April 23. The City is partnering with the Downtown Business Improvement District for the annual Clean & Green volunteer cleanup Downtown on April 22. On April 23 the Volunteer Program is hosting neighborhood beautification projects in the morning, and San Rafael OES is hosting a fire prevention weed pull effort off San Pedro Road. It’s a good time to get outside and connect with neighbors and nature! And…don’t forget to Shop Local for Earth Day all month long. Our local businesses are another great reason San Rafael is so awesome – let’s support them!

Come Discuss Canal Neighborhood Transportation Improvements!

Join local community groups, residents, and City staff to discuss transportation improvements in the Canal neighborhood. Share your thoughts on walking, biking, driving, and transit in your local neighborhood. Stop by for food, kids’ activities, raffles, and special guests.

See events section below for more details.

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community  Questionnaire  

We’re developing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan and want to hear from you! Please take our Parks & Recreation Questionnaire to let us know how you feel about the City’s parks and programs and how we might improve your experience. The questionnaire is available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, online as well as at City community centers, libraries, and City Hall through May 20.

Visit our dedicated Parks and Recreation Master Plan website and encourage friends, family, and neighbors to participate!

Marin “Housing First” Whole Person Care Inaugural Newsletter Released

Marin County’s Health and Human Services inaugural “Housing First” Whole Person Care newsletter was recently released, and it details success stories, best practice housing solutions, and real time updates on housing-related issues across the region. The newsletter also provides critical information on housing and placement services provided to our County’s unhoused population, such as highlighting that over 400 individuals have been permanently housed in the past four years alone through the coordinated entry system.

Click here to subscribe to the Marin County Whole Person Care newsletter.

Upcoming District Community Conversation Meetings

City Councilmembers will hold their second round of District Community Conversations later this month, in a live setting held at various parks and recreation centers across the City. From Pickleweed, Terra Linda, and Peacock Gap Park to the San Rafael Community Center, District Community Conversations will be held citywide in all four of the City’s districts to allow for community members to discuss their topics of interest and meet with their local elected officials in a friendly and accessible environment.

See events section below for details on upcoming Community Conversations events. You can also visit our Community Conversations page to learn more about community conversations. Unsure of your district? Find your district here.

Marin’s Waitlist Still Open for COVID-Related Rental Assistance

Marin County renters and landlords seeking rental assistance because of direct ties to the COVID-19 pandemic have until April 30 to join the County of Marin’s waitlist through a new online process.

Waitlist applications will be accepted through April 30, 2022. The waitlist does not assure those who apply will receive rental assistance. State eviction protections may not apply for applications filed after March 31, 2022.

All applicants must re-register to obtain login credentials at:

Marin’s Waitlist Still Open for COVID-Related Rental Assistance

Marin County renters and landlords seeking rental assistance because of direct ties to the COVID-19 pandemic have until April 30 to join the County of Marin’s waitlist through a new online process.

Waitlist applications will be accepted through April 30, 2022. The waitlist does not assure those who apply will receive rental assistance. State eviction protections may not apply for applications filed after March 31, 2022.

All applicants must re-register to obtain login credentials at:

April is Drug Take Back Month in Marin!

Clean out your medicine cabinets twice a year or more to prevent intentional and unintentional drug misuse and injury. Every year, about two million people end up in the hospital due to drug-related injuries, including medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and overdoses. Children, youth, and older adults are especially at risk for injury and overdose. Among people who misuse prescription pain relievers like opioids, the most common source for the meds is a friend or relative.

Improper disposal can also have harmful environmental effects. Flushing medications can cause a variety of consequences in waterways and negatively impact our communities.

To properly dispose of your prescriptions, either drop off or mail back your unwanted or expired medications. Place pills in either their original packaging (with labels removed for privacy) or put assorted pills in a sealable plastic bag. Liquids in bottles can be placed in sealable plastic bags, as well. Visit the RXSafe Marin website to find your nearest disposal kiosk or mail-back site as well as how to request a mail-back envelope be sent directly to your home.

All applicants must re-register to obtain login credentials at:

COVID-19 Updates

As of April 8, 2022, Marin County had 163 active cases and an increase of 23 new positive patients at all Marin County healthcare facilities from the week prior. Although the rate of infection has decreased, the risks of contracting COVID-19 remain a serious threat.

Indoor masking is still highly recommended by the Marin County and State of California Public Health Departments.  Everyone must still wear masks in the following settings, regardless of vaccination status:

  • Public transit
  • Healthcare settings
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Homeless shelters
  • State and local correctional facilities and detention centers

COVID-19 booster shots and vaccination appointments continue to be offered at all Marin vaccine clinics. If you need transportation assistance to get vaccinated, please visit the following links about Lyft’s Vaccine Access Program and GoGoGrandparent. As always, if you are experiencing any COVID-19 like symptoms, please get tested as soon as possible, even if you are fully vaccinated.



TALES OF THE CITY – Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Meetings Kick Off at San Rafael Community Center

SRCC PRMP meetingCommunity members met with City staff at the San Rafael Community Center on March 30 to provide input and hear information about the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

On Saturday, March 30, Library and Recreation Department staff held a community meeting at the San Rafael Community Center to hear input and ideas on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Participants provided critical insight into what our parks will look like in the future, and what recreation amenities and programs are important to the community. Community members provided recommendations on topics such as park access, safety, and new recreational activity options.

Staff will continue to hold community meetings like these on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan in the upcoming months, and we encourage community members to participate in person or via a questionnaire that can be dropped off at various locations around the City. Visit the event section below to find information on upcoming community meetings, and visit the Parks and Recreation Master Plan webpage to learn more about how you can get involved in the future of San Rafael’s Parks and Recreation programs!


Beginning with the April 18 City Council meeting, the City Council will return to in-person meetings combined with a virtual real-time public comment on agenda items.

At the April 4, 2022 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:

  • Approved consent calendar items
  • Held special presentations: Proclamations supporting Celebrate Diversity Month, National Library Week, and Month of the Young Child
  • Held public hearings for the Paramedic Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and passed to print Ordinance No. 2005.
  • Heard an informational report on San Rafael 2023-2031 Housing Element

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday


Upcoming Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Meetings 

(Please note meeting dates and times have been changed from prior announcements) 

Join us at one of the following meetings as we introduce the planning process, seek community input, and share information about the community questionnaire.                                                                                                                     

Thursday, April 28 | 6:00 p.m.
Terra Linda Community Center 

670 Del Ganado Rd, San Rafael, CA 94903 


Thursday May 5 | 6:00 p.m. 

Via Zoom – 


Wednesday, May 11 | 6:00 p.m. (in Spanish) 

Albert J. Boro Community Center 

50 Canal Street, San Rafael, CA 94901                                                                                                               

Interpretation can be requested by completing and submitting this form at least 72 hours in advance of a meeting. 

Canal Transportation Improvements Discussion 

Saturday, April 23 | 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Alto Street from Larkspur to mid-block (near entrance to Johnson and Daly Moving Company) 

Stop by for food, kid’s activities, raffles, special guests, and to share your thoughts on walking, biking, and transit in your local neighborhood. Your community input will help us toward our goals of improving public lighting, pedestrian safety, and controlling vehicle speeds in the community. 

Earth Day Cleanup Event  

Saturday, April 23 | 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  

50 Canal St, San Rafael, CA 94901 

Meet at Pickleweed Park for cleanup event followed by lunch and Community Conversation at Albert J. Boro Community Center 

Learn more about the Earth Day Clean Up Event, Clean and Green Downtown, and local Neighborhood Cleanups  


Climate Action Plan Forum April 2022 

Thursday, April 21 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  

Please REGISTER ahead of time. You will receive a link to participate when you register. 

Looking for ways to get involved locally and make an impact on climate change? Join our quarterly Climate Change Action Plan community forums! This is a place where people can hear about, discuss, and get involved in climate action initiatives that the City or its partners and community members are spearheading. Hosted by Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati. 

Upcoming Community Conversation Events 

Join Mayor Kate and your local Councilmembers for upcoming community conversation events! Learn more about local and citywide updates and happenings and submit your inquiry or question to staff for the opportunity for discussion at upcoming community conversations events to be held periodically in 2022.  

 District 2 Community Conversation with Councilmember Eli Hill 

Thursday, April 21 | 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.  

San Rafael Community Center 

618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94901 


District 1 Community Conversation & Canal/East San Rafael Cleanup for Earth Day with Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati  

Saturday, April 23 | 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  

50 Canal St, San Rafael, CA 94901 

Meet at Pickleweed Park for cleanup event followed by lunch and community conversation at Albert J. Boro Community Center 


District 4 Community Conversation with Vice-Mayor Rachel Kertz 

Sunday, April 24 | 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  

Terra Linda Park, near the playground

670 Del Ganado Rd, San Rafael, CA 94903

District 3 Community Conversation with Councilmember Maribeth Bushey  

Wednesday, April 27 | 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.  

Peacock Gap Park  

Peacock Dr, San Rafael, CA 94901 


Unsure of your district? Find your district here. 

Learn more about community conversations here. 


Where is this and what is it of? 

quiz photo 4.14

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