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Snapshot –Objective Design Standards, City News, Events and More!!!

Posted on March 18, 2024

Snapshot en Español


Spotlight Photo

rainbow above view of grass and street

Rainbow over San Rafael

Photo Credit: Alissa Curtin, Human Resource Dept.

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Richard Schneider! They were the first to answer our Snapshot quiz. Last week’s photo featured the alleyway between Laurel Place and Mission Ave. Thanks for reading Snapshot! Scroll down and be the first to answer this edition’s quiz.

San Rafael City News

The City Council will meet on Monday, March 18 2024.

Special Presentation Honoring Louise A. Boyd

At the City Council meeting, there will be a special presentation dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary life and legacy of Louise A. Boyd, a distinguished explorer, geographer, and photographer from San Rafael. Known for her pioneering expeditions to the Arctic from 1929 to 1941, Boyd’s relentless pursuit of knowledge and adventure led her to independently charter seven expeditions, documenting polar landscapes and conducting vital scientific research. Beyond her adventurous spirit, Boyd was a revered society figure and philanthropist, whose legacy continues to inspire through her remarkable story of independence, passion, and courage. The City of San Rafael proudly acknowledges Louise Boyd’s contributions and her family’s generous donations to the City, ensuring her spirit endures in the heart of our community. Scroll down to learn more about the Marin History Museum’s exhibit on Louise Boyd opening March 16th!

Read the Proclimation

Objective Design Standards

The City Council will receive an update on the Specialized Assistance for Everyone (SAFE) Team. This program, managed by Petaluma People Services Center, employs crisis counselors and medical staff to address a range of mental health-related emergencies. Operational since March 2023, the SAFE Team’s effectiveness in promptly responding to and managing such crises, collaboration with local organizations, and innovative approach in combining trauma-informed care with public safety, will be the focus of the report, showcasing progress in community-responsive care.

Read the Staff Report

Other News

Summer Camps!

Summer is just around the corner, and we’re excited to announce that camp registration kicked off on March 6th! It’s the perfect time to plan a summer filled with fun, adventure, and learning for your children. Dive into the Spring & Summer Activities Guide to explore a wide range of camps designed to engage and delight kids of all ages.

Road Closure: 20 Jewell St, March 11 – 22

20 Jewell St., located behind San Rafael High School, will be closed to continue the installation of a new sewer maintenance hole. Detours will run behind the school along Belle Ave., Alice St., and Mission Ave. during work hours. The road closure will begin on Monday, March 11th, and last approximately 10 business days, weather permitting. Approved working hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The contractor has a traffic control plan with detours, and signage will be provided.

SAFE Team Pilot Program Marks One Year

In March 2023, the San Rafael “SAFE” (Specialized Assistance For Everyone) program launched with Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC). The SAFE Team consists of an Emergency Medical Technician and a Crisis Intervention Specialist responding to people who need crisis counseling, shelter, transportation, or minor medical care in the field. The SAFE team is equipped with bilingual staff proficient in Spanish. The SAFE Team provides emergency response for all community members in San Rafael for mental health, addiction, homelessness, suicide, and non-emergency response for people in need.

To reach the SAFE team, call 415-458-SAFE (7233).

SAFE also benefits public safety by keeping police officers, firefighters, and paramedics available for other high priority calls. An emergency dispatcher will determine if your situation requires the SAFE Team; first responders such as police, fire, or paramedics; or a combination of both.  The City recommends that all community members program this number into their phones.

The SAFE Team is available 12 hours per day (8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.), seven days a week, 365 days per year.

SMART Partial System Closure 

The construction of the new station in northern Petaluma requires a SMART Partial System Closure on March 23–24 and April 13–14. Throughout these weekends, the SMART rail line will be closed from the Sonoma County Airport station to the Cotati station. Regular weekend service will be maintained between the Petaluma Downtown station and the Larkspur station.

For assistance with trip planning, reach out to SMART Customer Service at 707-794-3330 or customerservice@sonomamarintrain.or. Additionally, transit alternative maps are available online. Please be advised that the dates of the partial system closures are subject to change based on weather conditions affecting construction.

Youth and Senior RIde Fare Free on SMART!

Beginning April 1, 2024, youth ages 18 and under, and seniors ages 65 and older, will enjoy fare-free rides on SMART. The SMART Board of Directors has approved this new fare structure as a pilot program, effective until June 30, 2025, with the primary goal of increasing ridership among these age groups.

Train conductors will continue to check passenger fares; youth and seniors may be requested to provide proof of age, such as a state ID, driver’s license, or student ID. Youth and seniors will not be required to have a Clipper card or use the SMART e-ticket App. However, if a youth or senior passenger tags on with a Clipper Card, they will be charged a zero fare ($0) when boarding a SMART train.


park benches with playground behind

This week members of Department of Public Works and Parks and Recreation met with the City’s design consultant leading the Peacock Gap Park improvement project to officially start the design development. The project will focus on replacing the existing play structures and improving accessibility around the park. This initial meeting was to assess the existing conditions and refine the scope of the project. The City will now collect topographic surveys and create preliminary design options in the upcoming months. Design options will be presented to the public for feedback in late spring or early summer, with construction slated to start in the fall of this year.


At the March 4, City Council meeting, the City Council:

  • Held a closed-session conference with legal counsel.
  • Heard City Manager and Councilmember reports.
  • Approved the consent calendar.
  • Heard a special presentation from the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District on the San Rafael Transit Center.
  • Heard and accepted the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports and Updated Informational Report Regarding Challenges to Approving and Developing Housing.
  • Heard and accepted the Specialized Assistance for Everyone (SAFE) Team 2023 Annual Report.
  • Adopted the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Mid-Year Budget Update and Personnel Changes.
  • Held open time for public expression.

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month, at 6:00 p.m. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.


Petals & Ice – The Adventures of Louise A. Boyd – Opening March 16, 2024!

The Boyd Gate House, 1125 B Street, San Rafael
Exhibit Hours: Wed.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. & Sat 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Discover the remarkable Louise A. Boyd: she was an Arctic explorer, geographer, and photographer who led seven expeditions from 1929 to 1941, pioneering in photogrammetry and Arctic research. First to explore Greenland’s eastern fjords and to fly over the North Pole, her story of courage and passion is a hidden gem. Visit the exhibit to uncover the legacy of San Rafael’s most famous explorer.

Marin Powwow

Sunday, March 17, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Terra Linda High School’s New Gym located at 320 Nova Albion Way

Join the 2nd Annual Marin Powwow, a cultural celebration rooted in rich Indigenous traditions. This event welcomes all to witness the mesmerizing Grand Entries, feel the heartbeat through the drums of the All Nations Northern and Southern Hosts, and be inspired by the elegant movements of the Head Dancers. Embrace a day of cultural enrichment, education, and community in San Rafael.

Police Advisory and Accountability Committee (PAAC) Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 6:00 p.m., City Hall, Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave. San Rafael

The next meeting of the Police Advisory & Accountability Committee (PAAC) is scheduled for March 20 at 6:00 p.m. Community members can participate and provide public comment in person at the City Hall Council Chambers, or you can watch the meeting via Zoom. If you would like to subscribe to receive notifications about the City’s public meetings, including the PAAC, click here. To view agendas and staff reports, and for the Zoom link to watch the PAAC meeting live, visit the PAAC’s public meeting webpage.

Resilient Neighborhoods-Online Climate Action Workshop

Beginning March 28, Thursdays, from 4:00- 5:30 p.m.

Are you interested in taking action to create a sustainable future? Join a Resilient Neighborhoods Climate Action Workshop to make your home and lifestyle more climate friendly. This program will help you reduce energy consumption, switch to renewable energy sources, reduce waste, and prepare for climate-related emergencies. During the program, you’ll create a personalized climate action plan that identifies actions you can take now and through 2030. You’ll have ongoing access to up-to-date resources and financial incentives to achieve your goals efficiently and cost-effectively. Over 2,000 Marin residents have already participated, reducing nearly 13 million pounds of CO2 emissions!

The workshop meets five times over ten weeks online and is free for all Marin residents. Choose from sessions starting on March 28. Be part of the climate movement and register today at or visit


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