City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Spinnaker Point Parking Modification is Now Complete

Posted on April 6, 2023

Spinnaker Point parking modification project parking spaces along walkway


The Spinnaker Point parking modification project has been completed and open to the public effective 3/27/23. There are now 43 angled stalls that replace the 28 parallel spots for a net gain of 15 spaces. The new spots will allow residents to park for up to 24 hours before having to move their car. The area will be subject to Monday morning street sweeping. The area also contains picnic benches to allow anyone to enjoy the beautiful views.

Spinnaker Point parking spacesSpinnaker Point Parking Project picnic tables

More information on this project can be found on this project webpage of our city website:

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