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Spinnaker Point Parking Modification

Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications and Post Construction Projects

Project Contact

Andrew Powell, EIT  
Junior Engineer


Project goals

Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications (Phase 1)

  • Create additional parking spaces along the northern side of Spinnaker Point Drive to help alleviate the lack of parking issue within the Canal area
  • Realign the sidewalk in anticipation of the Tiscornia Marsh Project (headed by Marin Audubon Society) that will create a larger levee in this area.

Spinnaker Point Post Construction (Phase 2)

  • Construction of a new bioretention area along Canal St.
  • Complete the existing sidewalk connection surrounding PGE & ATT utility vaults.



Phase 1

Planning/Design $100,000
Construction $750,000

Phase 2

Planning/Design -
Construction $160,000



Spinnaker Point Post-Construction Project (Phase 2)

The post-construction project (referred to “Phase 2”) consists of two components:

  1. Installing a new bioretention area at the intersection of Canal St and Bahia Way; and
  2. Lowering of existing AT&T and PG&E utility vaults along with installing the final concrete sidewalk connection along Canal St from the prior parking modification improvements.


Spinnaker Point Post-Construction Project (Phase 2)

The new bioretention area will improve stormwater quality by filtering particulates before discharging into receiving waters, which aligns with the City’s sustainability goals, and reduces the burden on the City’s storm drain system by slowing the discharge rate of stormwater. Furthermore, installation of the bioretention area is required for compliance with the Clean Water Act and subsequent State and Regional permit requirements to offset the creation of new impervious surfaces.

Pedestrian detours and traffic control, including parking restrictions, will be implemented for the construction of the Phase 2 project. Five parking spaces on the south side of Canal St (east of Bahia Way) will be restricted for about a month so that two-way traffic flow can be maintained along Canal St during the installation of the bioretention area. Additionally, the five parking spaces on the north side of Canal St at Bahia Way, within the project limits, will be transformed into the new bioretention area. This area was temporarily marked for parking while the design of the new bioretention area was being completed.

The City has awarded the construction of the bioretention area to Michael Paul Co.; and construction is planned to start on Monday, January 6, 2025, with an anticipated duration of one month, depending on weather conditions.


Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications Project (Phase 1)

Phase 1 included the construction of curb ramps, sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm drain improvements, removal and installation of vehicular concrete, cold planning asphalt concrete, resurfacing of the roadway, and installation of new striping. Due to a combination of environmental timeline restrictions on construction for nesting birds near the bay and unforeseen construction challenges, including discovery of unmarked PGE infrastructure and associated coordination and dewatering needs, the bioretention area was unable to be complete with the original scope of the project. The construction of Phase 1 was completed in 2023.


Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications


The final completion of the Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications, including the Phase 2 post-construction work, will result in 14 additional parking spaces for the neighborhood as compared to the pre-project condition in early 2023. The neighborhood will also have a new continuous concrete sidewalk for pedestrian access and a new bioretention area, which provides ongoing stormwater quality benefits.

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