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Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications Project

Posted on April 9, 2021

Following the completion of significant park improvements in summer 2019 at Pickleweed Park, the playground at the former Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications was removed in anticipation of a project to widen Canal Street/Spinnaker Point Drive and create additional on-street parking. Staff have completed the design of the improvements and continue to work with an environmental consultant on the CEQA document and coordination with permitting agencies, specifically the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). Staff will release the CEQA document in April 2021 and anticipate bringing this item for adoption at the June 7th City Council meeting. Staff will also request approval to solicit contractor bids. Due to a tight construction window of September 1st to January 31st to avoid breeding season of local fowl, staff will advertise the project for construction during summer 2021 to be ready to break ground in September.

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