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SSA Update: January 2022 – Emergency Shelter Activation and Case Management Program

Posted on January 24, 2022

The City of San Rafael continues to successfully operate the temporary Service Support Area (SSA) for those experiencing homelessness. Individuals are in a safe place (the City funds security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) where they can access a variety of services such as mobile showers, bathrooms, case management, charging stations, and donations.  The site has an office space that allows clients to meet with case managers privately to help individuals move towards permanent supportive housing. The City’s community partners also continue to provide excellent onsite services throughout the week.

County Emergency Shelter Activation

The rain and freezing temperatures in December caused the County of Marin to activate its severe weather emergency shelter program.  The program is triggered based on certain criteria such as if temperatures are forecast to drop below an average night low of 38 degrees and conditions are projected to persist for at least three days, or temperatures are forecast to drop below an average nighttime low of 45 degrees for two consecutive days with hazardous conditions such as over an inch of rain. The Emergency Shelter provides a safe place where individuals are indoors and are provided warm meals. In December, six of the SSA residents utilized the shelter and all have returned upon its closing.

Learning About Our Case Management Program

Intensive Case Management (ICM) is a method of providing information, support, and services to those folks in our community who have, for a variety of reasons, difficulty accessing services which they need. The service providers in Marin County are experts at providing ICM. The model is built upon a case manager developing rapport on an individual basis, learning about the needs of the person experiencing homelessness, and then working on a one-to-one basis over time to develop a plan to meet those needs.

ICM can link our unhoused community to clothing, food, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, family reunification, job search, securing vouchers to supplement rent, housing, medical attention, and procuring critical documentation. It is important to understand that ICM happens differently for everyone and on a different timeline. The service providers who are delivering ICM have had amazing success with meeting those needs described above. ICM is successful because of the tremendous amount of hard work from the people receiving services working alongside with case managers.

Thankful for the Community Support

The residents of the SSA were continuously treated to meals and support during the month of December. In fact, the clothing and gift card donation program that ran from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day was a great success. Please know that these donations are very much appreciated and go a long way to support the residents. We even had local San Rafael schools participate in the donations of hats and gloves. We ask that if you would like to continue to donate, please do so by donating food gift cards from local vendors. These provide the most relief and avoids possible trash accumulation. More details are below.

Donations Still Welcome!

The City, in coordination with Police and Fire Departments will continue to take donations for the individuals experiencing homelessness. Only food gift cards will be accepted:

Cards can be dropped off

  • The Public Safety Center at 1375 5th St.


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