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SSA Update: Personal Stories + Donation Opportunities

Posted on November 10, 2021

Chihuahua for SSA

The City of San Rafael continues to successfully operate the temporary Service Support Area (SSA) for those experiencing homelessness. The rain has certainly had an effect on the SSA, but the City and local partners have been quick to help keep the area dry. City staff are assisting by building platforms to keep tents elevated and out of puddles with lumber donated by Golden State Lumber, re-routing drainage, and providing plastic bins to keep individual’s personal belongings from getting damaged by rain. 

To date, there are 42 individuals living within the Service Support Area and 15 that have been placed into either temporary or permanent housing. Individuals continue to be in a safe place (the City funds 24/7 security) where their case manager can work with them on moving down the path to more permanent housing options. Our community partners continue to provide onsite services throughout the week. 

Angela’s Story 

One individual that the city has helped find housing is Angela. Angela is a resident of San Rafael and had been homeless for nine years. She slept outdoors in places where no one could see her and felt as if she was invisible. She moved into the SSA in early July and committed to doing all she could to get into permanent housing using the resources provided through the SSA and slowly things began to change. In September, she received exciting news that she would be getting an emergency housing voucher. One month later, she and her dog moved into their own apartment in Terra Linda!  

Angela hopes to help others like herself who are on the street by sharing her own experiences. Angela is one of many examples whose life has been positively impacted by the SSA and our community partners.

Certain Donations Welcome! 

The City, in coordination with Police and Fire Departments, will be launching a “Clothes and Cards” Drive for the individuals experiencing homelessness. The collections will begin on November 15th and conclude on December 31stOnly the four following items will be accepted:

  • Gloves 
  • Hats 
  • Long Underwear (new in package) 
  • Gift Cards (for food vendors only) – Drop of only at Police Headquarters at 1375 5th St.  

Items can be dropped off at

**Please note, no items are to be dropped off at the current SSA. Items will NOT be accepted. 

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