Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 

Excessive Heat Warning in effect until next Tuesday. Red Flag Warning is in effect until Friday evening. For information on how to stay safe in the heat and prevent wildfires please visit emergency.marincounty.org


Summer Pruning

Posted on July 19, 2019

Summer Pruning

The Parks Department is in the middle of its busy summer pruning season. Pruning entails the trimming of trees by cutting away dead or overgrown branches in order to stimulate growth. The maintenance crews recently finished pruning the mile-long stretch of median islands on Las Gallinas Ave. The Parks crews will now be working on Freitas Parkway over the next few weeks by pruning and clearing vegetation. The pruning of Freitas Parkway is coordinated with the Streets Department, who help to clear the drainage ditch afterward. Expect lane closures and please be sure to drive slow in the cone zone.

In other Department news, the water feature at Freitas Park reopened this week after a new rubber surface was installed and the structure got a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, the Parks Department is hosting a Park-A-Month event this Saturday, July 20th at Gerstle Park. We hope to see you there!

Freitas Park Water Structure

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