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“Temporary Outdoor Dining Area (Commercial Parklet)” Building Permit type for overhead structures

Posted on March 25, 2021

pint size parklet

Link to apply for a building permit for semi-permanent outdoor dining areas with overhead structures

As a part of the City’s COVID outdoor dining program, the City is requiring any restaurant seeking to use public parking spaces for dining to apply on the COVID Outdoor Dining, Retail & Salons webpage. This includes for both temporary set-ups (metal barricades, planters only) and semi-permanent structures (constructed platform, walls, and/or overhead roof). The webpage outlines all the City’s current requirements and guidelines for these outdoor areas.

Importantly, any outdoor dining areas in the parking lane with a constructed overhead roof or trellis must also apply for a City of San Rafael Building Permit. This building permit will have no fees associated with it.  Engineered or architectural plans for the overhead structure must be submitted in order for the permit to be processed.

The Building department has now added a special type of permit in their online portal for restaurants seeking to apply for their overhead roof/trellis structure: “Temporary Outdoor Dining Area (Commercial Parklet)”. To apply, visit the Building Permits webpage, watch the How to Apply for a Building Permit Online video, then click on the link for “Temp. Outdoor Dining Area (Commercial Parklet)” permits.

Restaurants are free to set up tents <400 sq ft or canopies <700 sq ft without any additional permit.

Questions about submitting your building permit?

(415) 485-3367
Virtual Counter Hours – visit Building permit homepage for days and hours

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