We are partnering with the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to support our incredible business community as best as possible.
Starting next week, the latest Marin County Public Health order will allow outdoor dining and retail based on the following guidelines:
To facilitate outdoor dining and retail activity in public space, we have created a free and automatic temporary permit process for basic use of the space in front of your business for dining or retail. If you meet the requirements, you can fill out this online form and be granted an automatic temporary permit.
For private property or more complex uses of public right-of-way, we can work with you on a case-by-case basis.
On Monday night the City Council will consider authorizing the City Manager to have more discretion to quickly support the business community in expanding their limited operations while remaining compliant with the phases of reopening laid out by the County. The meeting starts at 7pm and you can participate by phone or through YouTube Live chat.
We will provide more information as it becomes available or if conditions change. Check marinrecovers.com frequently for new information. If you have questions or want to provide feedback about the reopening process, fill out this feedback form.
Local business resources and partners: