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San Rafael tennis courts, golf courses, and skate parks, what’s the scoop?

Posted on May 4, 2020

Skate, Tennis, and golf

As of May 4, 2020 San Rafael’s parks and open space remain closed to motorized access, except for disabled individuals who have valid disabled placards or license plates, our skate park, golf course and tennis courts are now open for use with some guidelines and restrictions. Please follow these guidelines:

For all activities:

  • Singles play ONLY. No tennis doubles at this time.
  • Groups of two for golf, unless you are from the same household.
  • Stay at least six feet apart from other people.
  • Please be considerate and wear a face masks when possible.
  • Non-motorized access only. Walk, run, or bike ONLY.
  • Wash or disinfect your hands prior to entering and exiting facilities/park amenities.
  • Bring your own tennis balls, skate board, or golf clubs and golf balls.
  • Clean and/or wipe down your equipment.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Avoid sharing food, drinks, or towels.
  • Use your own equipment/foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using hands.
  • Stay on your side of the tennis court. Avoid switching ends.
  • If a ball from another court or hole comes to you, send it back with a kick or with your equipment.

Please continue to avoid traveling by car, and instead walk, bike or use other non-motorized means to get to your local outdoor recreation area. Continue to practice social distancing and wear required face coverings in public settingsMarin’s Public Health Order concerning use of face coverings does not presently have an end date and will remain in place until further notice.

Thank you for continuing to do your part to help your community.

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