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Third Street Improvement project – 4/29/22 weekly update

Posted on April 29, 2022

Photo of a road worker doing work on underground electrical wires on the sidewalk

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website.

THIS WEEK (April 25 – April 29):

  • MMWD waterline service connections installed at Cijos Street, D Street, and E Street
  • Excavated for waterline main tie-ins at Lootens Place, A Street, and E Street
  • Completed installation of water lines on Third Street between Lindaro Street and Brooks Street
  • Completed installing the new Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) waterline from Hayes Street and Third Street
  • Continued potholing to locate existing underground utilities at all the intersections for Second and Third Street
  • Conduits were  also installed using horizontal directional drilling, which requires removing some sections of the sidewalk to excavate boring pits at the intersections of Third Street and Shaver Street & Third Street and Brooks Street

Third Street Photo 42922

NEXT WEEK (May 2 – May 6):

  • Installation of conduit by horizontal directional drilling on Third Street & Shaver Street and Second Street & Shaver Street
    • This work will require removing some sections of the sidewalk to excavate boring pits
    • Safe pedestrian passage will be maintained around this boring pits
    • The sidewalk will be temporary patched with asphalt
    • Pothole investigations to locate underground utilities at Second Street & G Street and on B Street from Second Street to the Community Center on B Street
  • New water service connections for residences and businesses on Third Street from E Street to B Street will be installed
    • Trench excavation for new water main tie-in will be performed at the intersections of Third Street & C Street and Third Street & D Street
  • Potholing to locate existing utilities on Third Street from the San Rafael High School to Union Street
  • In preparation for the sanitary sewer rehabilitation, crews will be saw cutting pavement, potholing to locate existing underground utilities and inspecting the existing sewer by CCTV
    • This work will take place on Second Street beginning at Marquard Avenue progressing east to Ida Street


  • Traffic controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be put in place to direct motorists through the work area
  • Curb parking spaces will be marked “No Parking”
  • There will be intermittent lane closures on Third Street and detours on A Street, B Street, C Street, D Street, and E Street
    • For businesses in this section of Second Street, the City’s contractor,  Ghilotti Bros. Inc., will help facilitate deliveries by providing traffic controls and flagging
The hours of work will be 6 am – 6 pm and lane closures 6 am – 3 pm on Third Street and Second Street eastbound, and 9 am – 6 pm on Second Street westbound.

ATTENTION: Night work will begin on May 8

From May 8  – through September 2022, night crews will be working from 6 pm to 6 am, Sunday evenings through Friday mornings.

Work will involve saw cutting, potholing and utility line installation on Third Street between Union Street and Lincoln Avenue.


Third St 42922 map

For more information, visit the project website or contact the City at

Please note: all estimated timelines are tentative and subject to change.

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