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FAQ Topic: Business licenses

How do I start a business?

San Rafael is a great place to start and grow a successful business. We are the economic heart of Marin County and home to many incredible companies. From biotech to real estate, finance to auto sales, construction to education; one of our most notable restaurants grew from our farmers’ market! Our Economic Development department is here for you.

Do I need a business license and how do I get one?

A business license is a tax required of most businesses that conduct business within the city limits of San Rafael, even if your physical office is located outside city limits. Business license taxes help to pay for street maintenance, police and fire protection, and other services that benefit businesses and the general public. You need … Continued

How do I get a liquor license?

To sell alcoholic beverages, you’ll need a liquor license. California has four types (3 for full liquor and 1 for beer & wine only). You can find information about buying a liquor license from the California Department of Alcohol & Beverage Control (ABC). The nearest local ABC office is in Santa Rosa, and you can call them … Continued

How do I renew or close my business license?

You can quickly renew your license or close it online. You will need your account number and a PIN, both of which can be found in a reminder email. We have gone paperless! For annual licenses, we will email your courtesy renewal reminder around 3 weeks before your expiration date to the email address on … Continued

Why isn’t there an expiration date on my business certificate?

To save paper, postage, and staff time, we are no longer printing new certificates every time a license is renewed, unless there is a significant change such as a new business name or address. You can view expiration dates in the online business registry.

What if I close or sell my business?

Please provide written notification of a business closure or sale.  Include the date the business was closed or sold and the name of the new owner, if applicable.   For your convenience, you may contact us via email at  You can close your license online.  You will need your account number and your PIN, both … Continued

How do I register my new business?

If you would like to register your new business, you should first check with our Planning Division to make sure your business location is zoned properly for the business you want to do.  Once a location has been secured you will need to complete a Business License Application online, within 45 days of operation.

How do I pay my Business License?

Business License Tax payments can be made online, whether it is a balance due payment or renewal. You can also pay in-person on the 3rd Floor of San Rafael City Hall.

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