FAQ Topic: Community Policing Themes

Increase cultural competencies and customer service skills

What we heard from the community…   Assurance that police officers hired by the SRPD have the necessary experience, training, and professionalism, and undergo psychological evaluations to ensure fitness for the job. Police officers to show empathy and compassion when interacting with residents. Specific cultural training for all officers, particularly regarding the communities they serve, including … Continued

Improve transparency, communications, and accountability

What we heard from the community…   The community has expressed a desire to feel safe when contacting the police department, free from fear of repercussions. Greater clarity on the various methods available to file complaints regarding the police department. Additionally, the community is calling for enhanced police accountability and the establishment of some form of … Continued

Build trust and improve relationships with the community 

What we heard from the community…   The community expressed a desire for the police department to take deliberate actions to build trust and strengthen relationships with residents. For instance, there is a request to see tangible outcomes from the community forums on policing, including how the Police Department will address identified concerns. Additionally, there is … Continued

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