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FAQ Topic: District Election FAQ's

Is the City considering forming a citizens committee to look at the issue?

Given the very strict timelines that the Legislature has imposed for this process under the CVRA, and the substantial number of hearings that must be had in a short time, a citizen commission is impractical at this point. Nothing would prevent the Council from appointing such a committee in 2021, when lines are redrawn following … Continued

What made the City decide to take proactive action on district elections rather than just wait for pressure from the various groups? What does the City hope to accomplish?

The City began to do research, hired outside counsel, and started to schedule public hearings on the issue of district-based elections when it learned of the impending receipt of Mr. Shenkman’s letter.  The City hopes to provide an opportunity for all interested persons to provide input to the City Council on the issue of district-based … Continued

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