If I live on the water, but have no dock and no stake in having the channel dredged, do I need to participate in the Umbrella Permitting process?
No. You can disregard the City’s letter and notice.
No. You can disregard the City’s letter and notice.
That is correct.
That is correct. The sediment quality approval process under the umbrella permit would take advantage of a testing exemption allowed for in the EPA guidelines that allows for a report to filed referencing the USACE testing results. This exemption report is included in the umbrella permit cost. However, if USACE finds contamination in the main … Continued
Permit acquisition would not be affected by any detected contamination, but the sediment quality approval required by the permits would be. Yes, any homeowners near areas in the main channel that the USACE testing shows to be contaminated would be responsible for additional testing near the dock that would hopefully show the contamination does not … Continued
The City wanted to start the permit process now so that dock owners would be cleared to dredge when the USACE started. The FY2021 Work Plan began on Oct. 1. It is still not clear whether they will have funding available after the Work Plan’s priority projects (i.e. Oakland and Richmond Harbors) are completed. If … Continued
The USACE pulls their own permits, but will rely on a consultant for their sediment quality approval. They have not selected that consultant yet.
Yes. The City is working with the USACE so that the dock owners can “piggyback” on the main channel project using the same contractor that the USACE uses, which will result in both scale savings and savings associated with the elimination of mobilization cost.
The City is working with the USACE so that the dock owners can “piggyback” on the main channel project using the same contractor that the USACE uses, which will result in both scale savings and savings associated with the elimination of mobilization cost.
There is a pro in this approach if a HOA or property owner wants to undertake the dredging on their own without piggybacking on the Corps dredging of the federal channel with the other dock owners on the Canal. If a dredging contractor was doing your dredging independently, they would probably do the permitting at … Continued
The umbrella permitting cost will be dependent on the number of dredgees. The permitting process will include the acquisition of all permits PLUS the sediment quality approval. The future umbrella DREDGE CONTRACTOR cost will be based on the amount of dredge material and will be split between between all permitted dredgees.