How can I further support efforts to lobby the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the full funding of dredging of the San Rafael Federal Channel?
Please contact Craig DeRoy of the San Rafael Channel Association at
Please contact Craig DeRoy of the San Rafael Channel Association at
The primary maintenance dredging permits to be acquired under the umbrella permit process are good for 10 years, so a delay in USACE funding will not require significantly more expenditures. Renewal of the City permits may be necessary, but this will not require significant effort.
The permitting agencies include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), the Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Fish and Wildlife, and the City of San Rafael.
It would be advisable to review your current permits to determine when they expire. If there are still three or more years on the permit, then, assuming the USACE initiates the federal channel dredging within three years, you will not need a new permit through the Umbrella Permitting process. Those permits can be used to … Continued
You may contact Scott Bodensteiner, Program Manager with Haley & Aldrich at
The permitting process will take approximately one year.
Yes, the City and the firm will follow up with participating dock owners/tenants at a later date once the USACE dredging contract has been awarded.
Yes, you may not perform dredging operations in and around a private dock without a valid permit.
Once approved, maintenance dredging permits are good for 10 years.
The City of San Rafael does not have dredging permitting expertise on staff, as the process is something the City has engaged in only twice in the past 25 years. A firm with expertise facilitating the maintenance dredging permitting process is necessary to ensure all permits and approvals are in place when the USACE initiates … Continued