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FAQ Topic: Priority Development Areas 2020

What do the PDA-designations mean (i.e. Transit-Rich, Connected Community)?

All PDA designations must be in an “urbanized area” and adopt a Specific or Precise Plan by 2025. There are two main categories of PDA designations: Transit-Rich and Connected Community. MTC/ABAG describes these designation as the following: Transit-Rich: The majority of land is within one-half mile of an existing or planned rail station, ferry terminal, … Continued

What are the differences between a Specific Plan, Precise Plan, Master Plan, a Community Plan and a Neighborhood Plan? How do each of these Plans relate to the citywide General Plan?

While there are similarities and overlap, each Plan type is distinctive and have different elements and purposes.   The purpose of all these plans to is conduct future planning.  The different plans look at a finer level of detail for future planning a specific geographic area.  The following is a description of each Plan type and … Continued

What is environmental review streamlining?

Environment review streamlining refers to the level of environmental analysis a development project is required to perform as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA requires that all development projects in California conduct some level of environmental analysis.  In many cases, a city will conduct a comprehensive environmental analysis for a neighborhood as … Continued

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