City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.
Most grant funding is for a specific deliverable not a PDA designation. These funding requirements would included in an agreement before any funds are awarded. For example. this deliverable could be a Specific Plan or a bike lane. For OBAG grants, funding is designated for areas with a PDA. These are the main grant … Continued
“Planned” and “Planned Year” refer to the information included in the City’s General Plan. The most recent General Plan was completed in 2015 and be found here: General Plan 2020 The number of “Planned” dwelling units listed in the LOIs comes from Table B3.11 in Appendix B of the Housing Element of the General Plan. … Continued
The Letter of Interest submitted by the City of San Rafael on May 29th with the below PDA-designations: Southeast San Rafael/Canal PDA: Connected Community outside a High Resource Area The Letters of Interest submitted on May 29th, 2020 can be viewed here: Southeast San Rafael/ Canal Letter of Interest Southeast San Rafael/Canal Letter of Confirmation … Continued
There is no difference in the community-driven planning process between PDA-designations. All PDA-designations require a Specific or Precise Plan to be adopted by 2025. Connected Community PDAs outside of a High Resource Area are required to also adopt policies to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). The City of San Rafael has already adopted these policies … Continued
All PDA designations must be in an “urbanized area” and adopt a Specific or Precise Plan by 2025. There are two main categories of PDA designations: Transit-Rich and Connected Community. MTC/ABAG describes these designation as the following: Transit-Rich: The majority of land is within one-half mile of an existing or planned rail station, ferry terminal, … Continued
The PDA Grant Program is very specific about the type of Plan that is eligible for grants. The PDA Grant Program guidelines require the grant fund a Specific Plan, or equivalent Plan (e.g., Precise Plan). These plans includes a Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Zoning Code and General Plan amendments. These elements are important because … Continued
While there are similarities and overlap, each Plan type is distinctive and have different elements and purposes. The purpose of all these plans to is conduct future planning. The different plans look at a finer level of detail for future planning a specific geographic area. The following is a description of each Plan type and … Continued
There is a significant difference between a PDA and both a Transit Priority Area and a Transit Priority Project;. While there may be overlap in the areas defined as a PDA, TPP, or TPA, they are not directly related or linked. A PDA is a planning and financing tool that is part of the Plan … Continued
No. The San Rafael General Plan 2040 update has been in process for the last two years and is near completion. A draft of the General Plan 2040 is expected to be published for public review within the next month. The designation of a new PDA would not impact the current work on or the … Continued
Environment review streamlining refers to the level of environmental analysis a development project is required to perform as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA requires that all development projects in California conduct some level of environmental analysis. In many cases, a city will conduct a comprehensive environmental analysis for a neighborhood as … Continued