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FAQ Topic: Housing

How Can You help?

The best way to assist people experiencing homelessness in Marin is to donate or volunteer directly through social service agencies and community groups working with our community.   Homeward Bound Marin – In addition to being Marin’s primary emergency shelter provider, Homeward Bound also operates 353 units of supportive housing, provides medical respite care, and provides job training … Continued

How many people are homeless in Marin?

The most recent Point–In-Time Count (a bi-annual field study of local homelessness) was conducted in 2022, finding 1,121 total persons experiencing homelessness in Marin County. Of the total homeless count population, 74% were unsheltered and 26% were sheltered, either in emergency shelter or transitional housing units. The number of those experiencing unsheltered homelessness increased in … Continued

What resources has San Rafael used to help individuals that are experiencing homelessness find permanent housing?

San Rafael continues to be a countywide leader in the development of new housing options for people experiencing homelessness. This includes:   City Council allocated $1.3M in Affordable Housing Trust Fund dollars to support the redevelopment of 3301 Kerner Boulevard, a former County office building, as permanent supportive housing.  The project received major support from Marin … Continued

What is San Rafael doing to support the homeless population?

Approximately 350 San Rafael residents experience homelessness on any given night, and the City has made ending homelessness one of its key strategic goals and objectives.  Like all California communities of its size, San Rafael must apply its limited resources and leverage intergovernmental and community partnerships to create housing that supports our residents with the … Continued

Homelessness Resources

The City of San Rafael remains committed to protecting the health and safety of community members and employees, while also striving to deliver public services to the greatest extent possible. The City does not directly provide homeless services or programming, but we partner closely with the County of Marin and local service providers to ensure … Continued

What is the latest news with the City’s camping ordinance?

The City provides updates by email in its homelessness e-newsletter, which you can sign up for on our Homelessness Department main page. As of February 2024 – The City continues to work toward resolving the ongoing litigation regarding the City’s Ordinance 2030 – camping on public property. The City and the plaintiffs have been meeting … Continued

I’ve heard most homeless people aren’t from Marin, is that true?

Individuals living in encampments are overwhelmingly long-term residents of the City of San Rafael.  The City of San Rafael and its nonprofit partners serving homeless individuals recently conducted a survey in the City’s major encampments asking this question among others.  Almost 90% of individuals staying in the encampments have been in San Rafael for more … Continued

What do I do if I am homeless and I need help?

If you are homeless and you need help, there are many resources available through Marin County Health & Human Services; they can help connect you to the resources that are most appropriate for your needs. Call their assistance line at 1 (415) 457-4636. If it is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

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