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FAQ Topic: Public Safety

Where can I get fingerprinted?

The Marin County Sheriff offers Live Scan and ink fingerprinting. But first, you’ll need to make an appointment. They offer more information on their website.

How do I know if I’m being scammed?

Most scammers reach out via phone calls or emails. If the request seems suspicious, do not send money or gift cards and do not provide any personal information. Here is a great list of warning signs, along with the Federal Trade Commission’s most recent scam alerts. If you have already given money and realize that … Continued

How do I report a barking dog?

First, try calmly talking to the dog owner to make sure they are aware of the problem.  Then, if the problem persists, you can call the police non-emergency line at (415) 485-3000. Depending on other call priorities, officers may respond on multiple occasions to issue warnings before issuing a citation.

Who do I call about police-related non-emergencies?

The police non-emergency phone number is (415) 485-3000. Don’t like phone calls? You can also email us. Our business line is staffed by an actual person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may call this number to report a crime, request officer assistance, or ask a question.

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