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FAQ Topic: RBR FAQ's

Who must be present for the inspection? How long will it take?

A responsible adult must be present to accompany the inspector and provide access. This can be the buyer; seller; or agent for either; tenant; or any other person over the age of 18 with a legal right to be there.  The inspection usually takes 20 – 30 minutes for most properties; but please allow 45 … Continued

When should I obtain a Residential Resale Report?

A resale report must be requested and completed prior to the close of escrow. It is important that you obtain a resale report as early in the sale process as possible so that a completed report will be available to you in a timely manner.   This will also allow sufficient time to resolve any identified … Continued

What does the process for a Residential Resale Report involve?

The applicant will need to apply and pay a fee. This may be done at City Hall 8:30-4:00 M-Th; 8:30-12:30 on Friday, or by filling out an online application and mailing it in with a check; or applying online if paying by credit card. Our staff will research all Building Permits, Planning files, and Code Enforcement records that … Continued

When do I need a Residential Resale Report?

Residential Resale Reports are required when any residential property changes ownership. This includes Single Family Homes, Duplexes, Apartment Buildings and Townhouses/Condominiums.  There are a few exceptions, such as the first sale of a new home and the sale of mobile homes.

What is a resale report?

A Residential Resale Report is a building permit records check and physical inspection of any residential units (SFD, Duplex, Townhouse/Condo, Apartment complexes) which are sold in San Rafael.  All building permits, planning actions, and construction-related code enforcement actions are listed on the report.  Any permits which are not complete or have expired are identified; these … Continued

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