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FAQ Topic: Street Resurfacing

Will there be parking impacts because of the project?

Yes, typically one side of the roadway will be closed for several hours while the resurfacing mixture is applied and dries. Parking lane closures will occur between 7am and 5pm. The contractor will place “No Parking’ signs on the barricades at least three days in advance of closing any portion of the road, as well … Continued

Will these streets be closed?

Yes, typically one side of the roadway will be closed for several hours while the resurfacing mixture is applied and dries. Some streets may require full closure, and those impacted residents will be informed in advance. Street closures will occur between 9am and 4pm. The contractor will provide notice at least three days in advance … Continued

Assembly Bill 413 – Parking Near Crosswalks

Assembly Bill 413 was approved by the Governor on October 10, 2023. The bill prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any marked or unmarked crosswalk. There may be some changes to striping and parking on impacted streets to help the City comply with … Continued

Curb Ramp Requirement

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires the City to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to the pedestrian routes in the public right-of-way.  Under ADA law, when a street, roadway or highway is altered, curb ramps must be provided where pedestrian walkways intersect the altered street.  Over the past several years, we have … Continued

How does DPW select the streets for treatment?

Every two years, we hire a consultant to inspect and rate the condition of every city-maintained roadway.  The consultant then calculates each roadway segment’s “Pavement Condition Index” (PCI).  The PCI for each road is an initial starting point for us to identify roadways to include in upcoming resurfacing projects. PCI values range from 0-100 with 0 … Continued

What is Street Resurfacing?

The City of San Rafael has over 175 miles of roadway.  Our roadway system consists of asphalt concrete (AC) and concrete streets. Over the last 40 years, these roads have seen an increase in the vehicle traffic as well as a decrease in the amount of funding available to adequately repair and resurface these roadways.  … Continued

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