FAQ Topic: Vegetation Management Standards Enforcement

What if I do not comply with the safety standards outlined in SRMC 4.12?

Additional fines will be issued at higher rates and more frequent intervals for ongoing community hazards. Fines max out at $500/day. Should you fail to correct the conditions on your property, pursuant to SRMC 4.12.060, the City is entitled to abate the public nuisance by correcting the violations and to collect abatement costs through a … Continued

What resources are available to help me comply with City Standards

The City has a variety of options available to help residents. These support options have been available for over three years and many residents have taken advantage of them. We encourage you to do the same! Educational resources include one on one inspections with our trained staff as well as online resources via firesafemarin.org and … Continued

How do the fines work?

Pre-Citations are issued at least 15 days before a fine will be issued. After 15 days, staff will document any ongoing hazard and prepare an initial citation of $250 dollars to be issued 30 days after the initial pre-citation was issued. After two weeks, staff will return and issue another $250 fine for ongoing hazards. … Continued

I have concerns that altering my vegetation will impact my privacy

Residents may submit a Request for Review (RFR) for vegetation that does not pose a community hazard and can be well maintained. Staff are happy to meet with residents to explain options for minimizing risks and therefore improving odds that an RFR for an exemption will be approved by the Fire Chief or designee. For … Continued

Can I trim rather than remove my vegetation?

Residents may submit a Request for Review (RFR)to see they they qualify for an exemption to the citywide vegetation standards outlined in SRMC 4.12. These are reviewed and potentially approved by the Fire Chief or designee. Staff are happy to talk with you about ways to alter your vegetation to improve its safety and increase … Continued

Why didn’t I receive any information before a pre-citation?

Prior to issuing pre-citation notices or citations staff make multiple attempts to connect with residents. This includes in person visits to each property during which staff will knock on doors. If no one is home, information is left at the door. This information included details on hazards observed from the right of way, and directions … Continued

Why is this the first time I am hearing about this requirement?

In February of 2021, after a multi-year process including a citizens advisory committee and dozens of public and community meetings, City Council adopted our enhanced Citywide Vegetation Standards to better protect our City from the risks of a devastating wildfire. Since adoption, staff have worked diligently to knock on every door in San Rafael to … Continued

I already did the work- how do I let you know?

Great! Thank you for taking steps to help San Rafael adapt to wildfire. You can email pictures of your newly adapted space to srfd.dspace@cityofsanrafael.org. Please include your address in the subject line. Please make sure your pictures are clear and show the broader area. If possible, try to take pictures similar to those that were … Continued

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