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Transportation Planning Updates – North – South Greenway Gap Closure

Posted on February 11, 2022


There is a half-mile gap in the North-South Greenway between Ranch Road and the Puerto Suello Path at the top of Lincoln Avenue. The vision of the North-South Greenway is that is an All Ages and Abilities bicycle facility that takes people to different destinations parallel to the SMART rail line. The City has filled in other gaps, such as the one between Second Street and Andersen Drive. The gap near Puerto Suello Path has been a challenging one to close because of the slopes in the area and figuring out a way to cross the train tracks. SMART and the City are collaborating on a feasibility study. Below are different alignments under consideration. They were presented to BPAC on February 1, 2021. The City and SMART will continue to work through the alternatives so that they can be presented at a future SMART Board of Directors meeting.

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