With the help of interns and maintenance crews, the Traffic Engineering division is making huge headway with improvements at uncontrolled crossings throughout the City. An uncontrolled crossing is any marked crosswalk that is not controlled by a traffic signal or STOP sign. Improvements include painting red curb for visibility, installing signs in advance, and at, crossings, and road striping. Once we obtain grant funding, we plan on constructing bulb-outs to shorten the crossing distance and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at some locations to really get drivers’ attention.
The map below shows how much work Public Works has completed and how much work we still have left to do. The bright green pins show where improvements have already made. A consultant was hired to complete an assessment of each of the 50 uncontrolled crossing locations. Public Works crews completed the work orders last summer and fall.
For the remaining 100 locations (crikey!), our team is going out, taking sight distance photos from 150 feet back and noting inventory of signage, striping, and red curb. This summer, we hope to make improvements at 50 locations and the remaining 50 next summer. Big thank you to our Dean Allison intern, Sophie, our traffic technician, Willie, and our maintenance crews.
Thanks to some local grant funding through Safe Pathways to School and the Lifeline program, we have curb extensions, RRFBs, and improved lighting planned at the following locations:
- Mission/Park
- Mission/Alice
- 5th/River Oaks
- Knight/Ashwood
- Medway/Front
- Medway/Mille
- Belvedere/Vivian
- Kerner/Sonoma
- Spinnaker/Bahia Way