Update on Homelessness Initiatives

Posted on February 1, 2018

Mobile Shower

On Monday night, the City Council will receive an update from Andrew Hening, the City’s Director of Homeless Planning & Outreach. Andrew will share the progress made over the past year. The City of San Rafael and other partners took major, concrete steps towards ending homelessness and improving the quality of life in the community. The report below outlines the City and the region’s accomplishments, which included launching Coordinated Entry, recruiting 82 new landlords to accept housing vouchers, launching a mobile shower program to replace the service currently offered at the Ritter Center, and more.

Read the staff report here.

In addition to this update, the City Council will consider an agreement with St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin to add a proactive outreach component to their Return to Residence program for a six-month pilot. Over the past two years alone, St. Vincent’s has helped 215 individuals reconnect with friends or loved ones in other parts of the country, and only six individuals (2.8% of the total) returned to Marin County. St. Vincent’s currently helps people as they express interest.  By adding proactive, on-the-street outreach, the pilot aims to increase the number of people who are willing to consider relocation as a housing option.

Read the staff report here.

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