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6/8/18 – Street Resurfacing Update

Posted on June 8, 2018


The City’s annual street resurfacing project is underway. Several streets have already undergone a full grind and contractors began the asphalt overlay. In total, this year’s project will include resurfacing of 4 miles of roadway and the installation of 13 ADA-compliant curb ramps. The project is funded through Gas tax revenues and the local Measure A Transportation Sales Tax.


Street Name From To
Bret Harte Road City Limit Altura Way
Altura Way City Limit Bret Harte Road
Bret Harte Lane Bret Harte Road Bret Harte Road
M’Liss Lane Bret Harte Road End
Pacheco Street Lincoln Avenue Stevens Place
Stevens Place Pacheco Street End
Hibiscus Way Holly Drive Hickory Lane
Bay Ct Bay Wy End
Makin Grade Upper Toyon Dr End
Vivian Place Francisco Blvd East Belvedere Street
Allen Court Forbes Av End
Hubbell Court Jewell St End
Edward Court Palm Av End
Elkin Court Santa Margarita Dr End
Thornwood Terrace Tamarack Dr Tarragon Dr
Maywood Way One Way Loop One Way Loop


Going to pave next week:

Pacheco Street Lincoln Avenue Stevens Place

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