Apply to serve on a San Rafael Board, Commission or Committee!


Vacancies on San Rafael Boards and Commissions!

Posted on August 5, 2023

The City Clerk’s office is recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards, commissions & committees (BCCs). Community members can apply online to serve on our BCCs, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows:

ADA Access Advisory Committee

Board Description:  The ADA Access Advisory Committee provides valuable input in determining disability policy for the City of San Rafael. The ADA Access Advisory Committee provides input, advises the City on matters relating to people with disabilities, and is a primary public networking resource between persons with disabilities, disability service agencies, representatives from government agencies, and others. Members of the committee represent a broad cross-section of members of the community with disabilities, reflecting multiple disabilities, and the cultural and gender diversity of the wider disability community. The ADA Access Advisory Committee works in conjunction with the City of San Rafael.
 Term One unexpired term through April 2027
Meeting Schedule 1st Wed. of March, June, September and December -2:00 p.m.
Eligibility Requirements: The five (5) voting ADA Committee members and any alternate shall consist of the following, each having the same duties and responsibilities:

  1. Persons who are, or family members of, City of San Rafael residents with disabilities; and/or
  2. Individuals residing in the City of San Rafael serving persons with disabilities in Marin County; and/or
  3. Property owners, business owners, or individuals residing in the city of San Rafael with expertise and/or affiliations with private or public organizations concerned with issues of accessibility and/or other issues of concern to persons with disabilities; and/or
  4. One member of the Committee may represent the San Rafael business community interest.

Design Review Board

Board Description:  The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our long-range General Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.
Term: One vacancy through October 2027
Meeting Schedule:   1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Council Chambers
 Eligibility Requirements:     The Design Review Board shall consist of a total of five (5) regular members and may include one alternate member appointed by the city council. The Design Review Board members shall be qualified as follows:

  1. At least two (2) members shall be licensed architects or licensed building designers;
  2. At least one member shall be a licensed landscape architect;
  3. At least one of the five (5) members shall have background or experience in urban design;
  4. The alternate member may have qualifications in any of the above fields of expertise;
  5. All board members shall reside in the city of San Rafael; and
  6. In addition to the five (5) council-appointed board members and one alternate member, one planning commissioner shall attend board meetings. This liaison planning commissioner shall be appointed by the commission chairperson. An additional commissioner shall be appointed to serve as an “alternate liaison” in case of absence. The planning commission liaison should be present at all design review board meetings to offer advice and direction to the board on matters of commission concern.

Fire Commission

Board Description:  The Fire Commission consists of five members and two alternate members who advise and support the goals and objectives of the San Rafael Fire Department. In concert with the Fire Chief, Fire Commission Members contribute their experience and expertise with department-related initiatives, such as Public Education and Information, Emergency Preparedness, support of the San Rafael Fire Foundation, Essential Facilities Project, Photography and documenting Fire Service History.
Term:    One unexpired term through October 2025
Meeting Schedule:  Second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
 Eligibility Requirements Must reside in city limits

Park and Recreation Commission

Board Description: The Park and Recreation Commission assists the City Council in developing and implementing the long-range plans for City parks and recreation facilities; monitors current service levels and community needs; reviews the performance of City partnerships with community groups in the utilization of facilities and production of programs; reviews and advises on general policies and procedures in the delivery of park, recreation, child care and cultural services.
 Term:  Two vacancies through October 2027
Meeting Schedule 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
 Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in San Rafael

Planning Commission

Board Description: The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our long-range General Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community
Term:      Two vacancies through October 2027
Meeting Schedule: Second and Fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Council Chambers
Eligibility Requirements:  Must reside in District 2 or District 3

Pickleweed Advisory Committee (Alternate Member)

Board Description: The Pickleweed Advisory Committee provides valuable input in representing and advocating for the Canal area resident’s needs and wishes for programs and services; and is a primary public networking resource between the Canal residents, representatives from governmental and non-profit agencies, and others. The Pickleweed Advisory Committee works in conjunction with the City of San Rafael.
Term:       One vacancy through October 2027 (Alternate Member)
Meeting Schedule: To be determined.
Eligibility Requirements:  Must reside in city limits.

Police Accountability Advisory Committee

Board Description: To be determined upon appointments.
Meeting Schedule: To be determined.
Eligibility Requirements:  Must reside in city limits.

Voter Approved Tax Oversight Committee

Board Description:  The Voter Approved Tax Oversight Committee’s purpose is to ensure that all revenues received from voter approved taxes are spent on uses outlined in a manner consistent with the language of the ballot measure that approved the tax. San Rafael currently has four voter approved tax measures in place:

  1. Cannabis Industry Tax (Measure G) Ordinance
  2. Measure E ‘TUT’ Transactions and Use Tax (Measure E) Ordinance
  3. Special Library Parcel Tax (Measure D) Ordinance
  4. Transactions and Use Tax (Measure R) Ordinance
Term:    One unexpired term through April 2025
Meeting Schedule:  Once per year


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