West Crescent Drive and Fourth Street Signalization
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Design Completion & Bid | 2024-2025 |
Construction | 2025-2026 |
Fourth Street, also known as the “Miracle Mile” connects San Rafael to San Anselmo and all points west in Marin County. As you drive through central San Rafael, Fourth Street is a retail shopping street. However; west of the downtown core, it becomes a six-lane separated arterial street serving all of West Marin: the local residents, the commuters who use the route to access Highway 101, as well as tourist traffic that traverses the stretch to reach Point Reyes National Seashore and other coastal destinations. The route serves nearly 20,000 vehicles per day and smooth traffic flow is essential to ensuring people can get to and from their destinations easily.
The existing intersection is a 3-legged tee-configuration with a left turn pocket on the east-bound Fourth Street movement. The intersection is uncontrolled along Fourth Street but has a stop sign controlling West Crescent entering the intersection. There is a pedestrian movement across West Crescent that is currently uncontrolled.
The project would include accessibility improvements for the pedestrian crossing and the signalization of the intersection for all movements.
Latest Concept Design
Construction Schedule
The daily construction schedule is still being determined. Updates for the project will be posted to the City’s website. Mailers and informational letters will be sent to residents impacted by the project ahead of construction.
The contractor is still being selected for this project. Contact information will be provided on the project’s webpage ahead of the project construction start date.