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Woodland Ave Sewer Improvement Project Progress

Posted on October 22, 2021

Woodland Ave sewer improvement project worksite.

Work on this project has progressed well, as the sewer main pipe and lower lateral sections have been installed at all locations to include Lindaro Street, Woodland Avenue, Octavia Street, B Street and Woodland Place.  Remaining work includes installation of the upper laterals for Woodland Place.  These laterals are brand new as the District has moved the sewer main for these nine properties from the easement behind their back yards into Woodland Place.  This upper lateral work has begun, and Westland Contractors expects to complete it by the end of October.

Once the upper laterals are completed at Woodland Place, the final task items for the project will include repaving at areas where work took place, to include Woodland Avenue and B Street.  Octavia Street is scheduled to get a new slurry seal next spring, as slurry sealing operations require warm weather.  Westland Contractors expects to complete this project within the first few weeks of December 2021, a little ahead of schedule.

Once this project is complete it will mark a big milestone for improving the sewer collection system within this neighborhood from an antiquated system plagued with needed repairs.  SRSD wants to thank all the residents in this neighborhood for their cooperation and patience during construction.



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